How many major divisions are in the Bible?
Two-->Old and New Testament
Name two books in the Old Testament division of law.
Complete the Memory Scripture: "God saw all that he had made and it was very ______ indeed. Evening came and then __________: the sixth day."--Genesis 1:31
"God saw all that he had made and it was very good indeed. Evening came and then morning: the sixth day."--Genesis 1:31
Name the missing book:
Leviticus, _________, Deuteronomy
What small division of the Old Testament is the book of 1 Samuel located?
What are the smaller divisions of the Old Testament?
Law, history, poetry, major prophets, minor prophets
Name a book located in the Old Testament division of history that starts with the letter 'E.'
Could be either Ezra or Esther
What is the verse for our new Scripture reference this week from Psalm 56:3?
"When I am afraid, I will trust in you."--Psalm 56:3
Name the missing book:
Joshua, ________, Ruth
What small division of the Old Testament is the book of Psalms located?
what are the smaller divisions of the New Testament?
How many books are in the Old Testament and the New Testament separately?
Old Testament has 39 while New Testament has 27
Complete the Memory Scripture: "Be _________ to one another without ________."--1 Peter 4:9
"Be hospitable to one another without complaining."--1 Peter 4:9
Name the missing book:
Ezra, ________, Esther
What small division of the Old Testament is the book of Nahum located?
Minor Prophets
What is the number pattern we use to remember how many books are in each small division of the Old Testament?
Name two of the poetry books from the Old Testament.
combination of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, or Song of Songs
What is the verse for the Scripture reference 1 Thessalonians 5:18?
"Give thanks in everything; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."--1 Thessalonians 5:18
Name the missing book:
Isaiah, ________, Lamentations
What small division of the Old Testament is the book of Ecclesiastes located?
How many books each are in the history and prophecy small division of the New Testament?
one--> both the small divisions of history and prophecy in the New Testament only have one book in each of them
Name one major prophet and one minor prophet book in the Old Testament.
Major prophet books--> Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel
Minor prophet books--> Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Complete the Memory Scripture: "Sing to him; sing _______to him; tell about all his ___________works!" 1 Chronicles 16:9.
"Sing to him; sing praise to him; tell about all his wondrous works!"--1 Chronicles 16:9
Name the missing book:
Haggai, ___________, Malachi
What small division of the Old Testament is the book of Lamentations located?
Major Prophets