Bible Stories
Bible Verses
Bible Basics
Bible Terminology
Bonus Questions
Who does Jesus appear to on the road to Damascus? a. Peter b. John c. Saul d. Matthew
c. Saul
Psalm 95 says “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” What does this verse mean? b. We must be with other believers when we worship c. Worship involves humility in our hearts c. We need to confess our sins before we worship d. Worship is best accomplished at church
b. Worship involves humility in our hearts
What is known as the greatest commandment? a. All 10 commandments b. Love God and love your neighbor as yourself c. Believe in Jesus' death and resurrection d. Be filled with the Holy Spirit
b. Love God, love people
The word "Holy" basically means a. Glorified b. Faithful c. Justified d. Sanctified
d. Sanctified
What are believers in Jesus saved from? a. our problems in life b. Satan's spiritual attacks c. spiritual death d. our desires to sin
c. spiritual death
In Old Testament times, God spoke to a man and said "I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and you shall be a blessing. And in you shall the families of the earth be blessed." Who did God say this to? a. Paul b. Abraham c. David d. Moses
b. Abraham
Jesus said, " A good tree will not bear bad fruit and a bad tree will not bear good fruit" What did he mean? a. people shouldn't judge each other b. we should run away from evil c. we can recognize a follower of Jesus by their fruit d. we should always follow God
c. we can recognize a follower of Jesus by their fruit
DAILY DOUBLE: Which of these is not a direct result of Adam's fall? a. suffering b. death of humans c. the passage of time d. death of nature
c. the passage of time
If Camie wants to read the "good news" section of the Bible, where should she go? a. Historical books b. Gospels c. Psalms d. Epistles
b. Gospels
Ananias and Sapphira were struck dead because they a. sold a field b. worshiped false gods c. lied to God d. were pharisees
c. lied to God
What was Jesus' first recorded miracle? a. raising lazarus from the dead b. walking on water c. healing the leper d. turning water to wine
d. turning water into wine
Which of the following is not a fruit of the Spirit according to Galatians 5? a. Love b. Gentleness c. Self-Control d. Honesty
d. Honesty
What is one thing the Holy Spirit does in our lives in regards to sin? a. punish us for our sins b. test and tempt us with sins c. redeem us from our sins d. convict (but not condemn) us of our sins
d. convict us of our sins
Being "set apart" or separated for a sacred purpose (aka "clean or pure) is called a. transfiguration b. glorification c. sanctification d. justification
c. sanctification
The Bible describes God as "long-suffering." What does this mean? a. He is patient b. He is omnipresent c. He will never change d. He is holy
a. He is patient
At the end of his life--and on the island of Patmos--this guy got a vision from God and wrote the book of Revelation because of it. a. John b. Paul c. Barnabas d. Peter
a. John
Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge..." What does "fear" mean in regards to God? a. You should be afraid of God b. You should show reverence towards God b. You should obey God and stop sinning c. You should be grateful for all the blessings God gives you
b. you should show reverence towards God
What is a spiritual gift? a. The ability to understand God b. The evidence of God's gifts to us c. The manifestations of the spirit to use for good d. The ability to be in God's presence
c. the manifestations of the spirit to use for good
What does (all capitals) LORD stand for in the Bible? a. El Shaddai b. Lord c. Yahweh d. Adonai
c. Yahweh
What does justification mean? a. to be made "right" with God b. To be made holy or sanctified c. To have the fruits of the spirit d. To love your neighbor as yourself
a. to be made "right" with God
There are major prophets and minor prophets in the Old Testament. Which guy was a minor prophet? a. Isaiah b. Zephaniah c. Ezekiel d. David
b. Zephaniah
In the Old Testament, Israel wanted to be like all the other nations and have their own king, so God allowed them to. They chose a guy named Saul. This was because a. He was a great warrior b. He was a hottie (aka good looking) c. He had the gift of wisdom d. He was called "a man after God's heart"
b. He was good looking
The Lord's prayer starts, "Our Father in Heaven, Holy is your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Why did Jesus say this prayer? a. He was teaching his disciples how to pray b. He was preaching from the cross c. He was showing Jewish tradition d. He was preparing for his death
a. He was teaching his disciples how to pray
What does the "sovereignty" of God mean? a. God loves everyone b. God rules over everything c. God influences us d. God knows what we will do
b. God rules over everything
Out of the 12 tribes of Israel in the Old Testament, which tribe was known as the "priestly" tribe? a. Levi b. Benjamin c. Ephraim d. Judah
a. Levi