Today's bible story is about this person.
This is where Joseph was thrown.
A cistern (pit/well)
He was the assistant to the Pharaoh, also the person Joseph was sold to.
Who is Potiphar?
Did Joseph's brother's recognize him?
Who was jealous of Joseph's relationship with Jacob.
His brothers
Who sold Joseph to the Egyptian merchants?
Joseph's brothers
Why was Joseph put into jail?
False accusations by Potiphar's wife
Joseph asked his brothers if they were ______.
Who gave Joseph a coat of many colors?
Jacob, His father.
What lie did Joseph's brothers tell his father Jacob?
That he was eaten by a wild animal.
This is who Joseph said could interpret dreams.
What did Joseph invite his family to do at the end?
Live with him in Egypt
To what country was Joseph taken as a slave?
How much was Joseph sold for?
20 silver coins
Who did Joseph interpreted dreams for while he was in prison?
The cup bearer and head baker
What animal did the Pharaoh dream about?
7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows
What was Joseph's second dream?
The sun, moon and eleven stars were bowing down to him.
Why was Joseph thrown into a pit?
His brothers were jealous of him
How long did Joseph stay in prison?
Two years
What did Joseph say the Pharaoh's Dreams were symbolic of?
What is 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine