The Holy Spirit
It can be proved through history, but it takes faith to believe. Without faith, it is impossible to think and please God. And if you can't believe God, you can't believe the Bible.
What does the Old Testament begin with God creating?
The heaven and the earth
The Gospels are the first four books of the New Testament. What are those four books?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
How many smaller books are there within the Bible?
66 Smaller books
Each book of the Bible has its own author and theme, but God inspires all. The Bible tells a complete story, enriched by many individual narratives within it.
Who did God choose to be a special group of people to be his people?
The Israelites
What is the central message of the New Testament?
Salvation through Jesus Christ
What are the two main sections of the bible?
Old Testament and new Testament
What are the important rules given by God to guide the Israelites on how to live righteously?
The Ten Commandments
What are the main themes of the New Testament?
Love, forgiveness, grace, and the Kingdom of God
Which testament was before Jesus?
Old Testament
Who did God call to leave his home and travel to a new land, promising to make him the father of many nations?
How many books are in the New Testament?
Which testament starts with Jesus' family tree and his birth?
New Testament
Who are the three Patriarchs in the Bible?
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
Who is considered the primary author of most letters in the New Testament?
Apostle Paul