Gospel centered life
Hunger and need for God
Christian community
Bible Verse Memorization
Bible Leader Misc facts

What should you stop doing now that you are a disciple of God?

sinning/disobeying God/living according to the flesh


What does it mean to count everything as a loss?

Nothing else matters in comparison to Christ. Everything else in this world is garbage in comparison to Christ. The difference between Christ vs all creation is so drastic that when you compare them, Christ is elevated & so much more worth it. Everything else is a loss, garbage in comparison.


Why is it important to have a church?

Build each other up


Praise & Worship God together 


How did God so loved the world? (John 3:16)

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.


What Sport did Andrew play during High School?

Boys’ Swimming


What does a gospel-centered life look like?

It is to be focused on the life-changing good news of God in Christ.


What does it mean to seek God?

Seeking God means to thirst and hunger for Him daily, just like how you hunger for food and thirst for water seeking it daily. But more important than food and water, we need to be seeking God by hungering and thirsting for Him, understanding and recognizing that we cannot live without Him.


Name a Church that Paul Prays for.







What does Jesus say to His disciples about children? (Matthew 18:3)

unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.


Who is Peter’s favorite football team?

Green Bay Packers


What does it mean if Christ is living in me?

If Christ lives in me, I will be tested and live a life that is not easy, but in the end of the day I find joy and want to do it again because Christ is the wellspring that overflows to me to give me the determination to persevere.


What does it mean to be blameless?

You live a life free from sinful habits or behaviors, a life of integrity (honest & strong moral principles, doing what’s right), so that no one can bring a charge or accusation against you for your sins & hypocrisy. It doesn’t mean you’re without sin; it just means that sin no longer has a grip on you and you’re no longer a slave to it.


Why is a church in comparison to a Body?

That we all must function as one. Each person and part have a role and reason.


What is one of the verses to the Romans Roads to Salvation?

3:23 - for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

6:23 - For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

5:8 - but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

10:9 - because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

10:13 - For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."


Where did Xf Nathan go to college?

Columbia International University (CIU)


What is the point of the gospel after we believe in God and know Jesus?

The gospel gives us a framework of guidance on how to live life with love, compassion and obedience like Jesus did.  It’s the reason why we are doing what we are doing and why we are gathered together. It brings us together.


There are 3 ways in which God can respond to prayer. What are those 3 ways?

He answers your prayer if He sees that is good & aligned with His will.

He makes you wait on His timing, not yours.

He rejects your prayer if it is not His will.


Why must we forgive each other?

For Christ has forgiven us, and Jesus has paid it on the cross. So if we do not forgive others we do not show what Christ has done for us.


List the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22)











What hand is John’s favorite hand to use on a daily basis?

Left Hand


What is a characteristic that all fully renewed and godly individuals show? Why is it a big overarching characteristic?

Love, without love then we are not able to do anything, compassion demonstrates love in your way of empathy, kindness is expressing the loving nature to another, Humility shows that you love others more than yourself, Meekness is the gentle power of love, Patience is being able to turn the pace down and love someone else at their pace. Forgiving is being able to let go of someone’s wrongdoing and love them even if they’ve wronged you.


Why do we pray? When do we pray? Where do we pray? What do we pray about?

We pray to communicate with God. We pray all the time (wake up, eat, before bed, feeling thankful, feeling sad or afraid, anytime), we can pray publicly when we’re with others or privately, but most of the time it should be privately in a quiet environment with no distractions. We should be praying to worship and praise our God, praying for guidance, confessing our sins and for repentance, asking for provision, etc.


Who should the church be unified under? Why is unity hard?

United in Jesus Christ. It is hard because people hold different theologies and beliefs, or they hold different values. In Christ these things are insignificant, because He is above all.


Recite the Lord’s prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil one.”


What is Justin’s favorite role in volleyball? (Specific Spot)

Weakside/Opposite Hitter
