Bible Stuff 1
Bible Stuff 2
Bible Stuff 3
Bible Stuff 4

This color was named after the fruit, not the other way around!

What is orange?


Jesus said " Father, forgive them; for they do not know what they do " when he...


What word did Paul use to describe the Galatians? a. Foolish b. Sincere c. Braindead
a. Foolish
Galatians 4:7, What are we now that we are no longer slaves?
We are sons of God and heirs of the kingdom.
What does Paul say will happen to those who live according to their sinful nature?
They will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

This everyday condiment found in almost every restaurant throughout the U.S. was first sold as a medicine.

What is ketchup?

What was significant about Titus? Why was he mentioned?
He was a Gentile and he was not circumcised. If the Jerusalem leaders had said that Titus needed to be circumcised, their message would have been "faith + ___". Since they said he didn't have to be, the message remained faith alone.
How did Abraham become right with God? a. By believing IN God. b. By believing God. c. By doing what God told him to do.
b. By believing God.
Explain the difference in the amount of faith it took for Abraham to have a child with Sarah, vs. a child with Hagar.
It took no faith to have a child with Hagar. It took tremendous faith to have a child with Sarah because she was childless until she was 90 years old!
Since rule keeping isn't the way to God, what is? (5:6)
Faith in Christ alone. We don't earn our salvation. It is a free gift. It is all about God's grace.

Before the 17th century, these vegetables used to be mainly purple, not the bright warm color we see them as today.

What is a carrot?

Who did Paul accuse of being a hypocrite and why?
Peter Peter was eating with the Gentiles until he heard that the Jews were coming and then he pulled away from the Gentiles.
What is the purpose of the Law, or the 10 Commandments?
To point out our sin and our inability to keep the Law, and to point us to Christ.
Who does each mother, Sarah and Hagar, represent?
Hagaar represents seeking to be saved by our own efforts. Sarah represents the grace that comes from God. She trusted God's promise, just as we trust God to save us by His work in Christ.
Name 2 of the 4 things that living under the freedom from the law produce? If you can name all 4, you get an extra 100 points.
peace, mercy, suffering, and grace

The first soup was made with this large mammal that likes to get wet. He is most closely related to the elephant and rhino.

What is a hippopotamus?

In verse 15, Paul says we "know that a man is not justified by observing the Law, but by faith in Jesus Christ." What does "justified" mean?
It means that God looks at us, "just as if we never sinned." We no longer are under the penalty of sin. It is a one-time event in our lives when we become a Christian.
Since we are not saved by following the law, does that mean that Christians shouldn't be concerned about obeying the law?
No, out of our love for God, we should want to live a life pleasing to Him. I obey out of love and respect for Him.
What is Paul saying the Galatians should expect in verses 28,29?
Without using your Bible, list the 9 fruit of the Spirit.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, goodness, gentleness, self-control.

This large country is the world's leading producer of bananas.

What is India?

In chapter 2, we talked about the umbrella of salvation. We said that there are 3 "parts" to salvation. Name the 3 parts. If you can give a little bit of information on each part, you can earn an extra 100 points for each bit you share.
Justification -"just as if I never sinned". One time event. We are no longer under the penalty of sin. Sanctification - "the process of becoming made holy" - being made more like Christ. It is a lifelong event. Sin no longer has ultimate power over us. Glorification - when we get to heaven. Freed from the presence of sin.
Why do people need to know God is a God who has laws before they can understand why Jesus' death is good news?
The law shows us that we are sinners. To know that I cannot keep the Law and that I have no way out, makes me appreciate Jesus' death on the cross all the more. If we don't think we are all that bad, we really aren't in need of a Savior.
How is being under the Law like being an heir who is still a minor?
When an heir is still too young to receive his inheritance, he doesn't benefit from the inheritance. When we are still under the Law, we don't benefit from God's grace.
In Chapter 6, how do you reconcile "carrying each other's burdens", with verse 5 that says, "each one should carry his own load?"
A burden is a heavy weight-- It is too much for one person to carry on their own--the death of a spouse, a handicapped child, etc. We should help each other carry these. A load is a backpack - we have our own things that God has given us to deal with.