The Prophet who brought the Israelites out of Egyptl!
To set apart make holy or sacred
How did Moses give the Israelites water the first time
What is smiting a Rock
What country was Isreal held captive
What is Egypt
What tribe was in charge of sacrifices?
What is Tribe of Levi
Name of the person who got leprosy after questioning God.
Who is Miriam.
A white type of bread that God gave the Israelites
How did God feed the people?
What is Manna or Quail from heaven
The Mountain on which Moses received the 10 commandments.
Mt. Siani
What should we not conform too?
What is the World
Name of the Prophet that blessed Israel instead of cursing them.
Who is Ballam
To right a wrong
What is Attone
What did God use to talk to the sorcerer
What is a donkey
The place overflowing with springs where the Israelites stopped.
What is Marah
Love God with all our...
What is
1. Heart
2. Soul
What King wanted to curse Israel.
Who is Ballak
What is a disease having raised bumps or boils.
What is Leprosy
How did Moses heal the Israelites from the snakes
What is The Bronze Serpent
The place where the 12 spies went into Cannan.
What is Kadesh-Barnea
How many bad spies went into Cannan?
What spy wanted to invade Cannan.
Having grace and not punishing someone who deserves it.
What is Merciful
What Miracle did God do to Moses?
What is Perserved his life
What kingdom called for a sorcerer to curse the Israelites.
What is Kingdom of Moab
Who would become the priest for the Temple.
Who are The Sons of Arron