Why did God have to humble Pharoah?
He (along with the Egyptians) thought he was a god.
What was the first miracle performed in Pharoah's presence?
What needs did the pillar of cloud and fire meet?
Fire-warmth, cloud-shade, and they both were manifestations of God that appealed to their physical senses.
How did God meet the Israelite's need for food?
Manna and Meat (quail)
Who were the kings over united Israel and were they faithful to God?
Saul-no, David-yes, Solomon-kinda
What kind of life did the Israelites have in Egypt before the persecution.
They were favored settlers with honorable and well-paid positions
turning the water to blood
it condemned an Egyptian god of the Nile (Nu)
it reminded Egypt of their sin (throwing Israelite babies into the Nile)
Tell of the incident that took place at Marah.
The Israelites come to a body of water that is bitter. They complain. God turns the water sweet.
What was the purpose of the Tabernacle?
So God could dwell with his covenant people
How many sons did Jacob have?
Who caused the statesman of Egypt to oppress Israel? Why?
Satan. To destroy the righteous line/the knowledge of God
Give three examples of the plagues that show how God was merciful to the Egyptians, but gradually became more severe.
Answers vary
Why did God lead the Israelites to Sinai instead of leading them straight into the promised land?
To test their faith or because of their poverty mentality
How were the material's gathered? Why?
Free-will offerings, because their hearts had to be willing to have Him dwell among them.
In which book of the Bible are the Israelites ruled by leaders who showed favoritism to certain tribes?
Why did God seek to kill Moses?
He had not performed the blood covenant (circumcision of his son)
How was it revealed that the plagues were sent by a covenant-keeping God?
No one who performed the blood covenant (Passover) was harmed.
Name 3 requirements of Passover and how they foreshadowed Jesus' life and death.
1.) spotless lamb= sinless Jesus
2.) killed on the 14th day
of the month3.) killed at 3pm
How did the badger skin covering represent Jesus?
They were unattractive and average which represented Jesus' physical appearance to the world.
List the four nations that took Judah captive in order from first to last
Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome
Upon what were the hiding of Moses by his parents and his later renunciation of Egypt based according to Hebrews?
Give three examples of how secular accounts of this time period confirm the Biblical explanation of the Israelites' life in Egypt.
1. Pharaoh had a great deal of authority
2. The Egyptian priesthood/magicians were powerful
3. Stubble was used to make bricks instead of straw
What lost authority of man was manifested at the Red Sea?
The authority of man over creation
How did the curtains represent Jesus (4 examples)?
They represented the hidden beauty and glory of Christ
blue-heavenly nature
purple- royalty
What three things did God promise Abraham?
Land, people, blessing