who was one of the few women leaders in the bible
who was Deborah
who was Boazs father and mother
Rahab and Salmon
in whos field did Ruth gather grain
how long did Samson judge Isreal
20 years
who was ruths mother in law
who are boaz and ruths descendents
Jesus and David
when was the book of Ruth written
1000 BC
what is the name of the close relative who had first right of refusal over valuables in Jewish Law
Kinsman Redeemer
who wrote the book of Ruth
what happended to Siseria when he went to sleep in Jaels tent
Jael drove a tent peg through his skull
true or false Samsons hair gave him strength
false God gave him his strength
who cut samsons hair
what tradgey happend to Naomi? What did she do becuase of this
her husband and two sons died she; went back to isreal
what was the cycle of the Israelites
sin, slavery, sorrow, salvation
why did Naomi and Elimech leave Isreal to go to moab
There was a famine
When naomi went back to Isreal what did each of her daughters in law decide to do
Ruth followed Naomi and Oprah
what was one miraculous sign Gideon asked God for
to lay a cloth in the field and the dew would make the ground wet but not the cloth
gold stone wood what where these important for
what can we learn from the book of Gideon
1) God has a plan for us even if we dont see it
2) faith trusts and acts on what God sees, not on what we see
3) faith trusts God regardless of the results
who did samson delevier the Isrealites from
the Philistines
what are four things the book of judges teaches us about God
He is a Jealous God
He gets angry with sin and punishes it
He forgives and delivers again and again
He loves people and wants the best for them
what was Samsons Riddle
out of the eater, something to eat
out of the strong, something sweet
what are four things the book of Judges teaches us about ourselves
we are selfish and like to do things on our own
we forget God in good times
we need God's help
we all sin
name the 15 judges
Otheniel, Jair, Samson, Ehad, Jephtah, Samuel, Shamgar, Ibzan, Deborah, Elon, Barak, Gideon, Abimelech, Tola, Abdon
name three keys to a good relationship
, keeping your promises
be helpful
be kind