I was Blinded while on my way to Damascus. I wrote several books of the Bible
Paul (Saul)
I was with Paul on his second missionary journey; in the town of Philippi we were put in jail.
Just before Jesus went back to Heaven, He told his followers that they were to be what?
Paul was on his way to where when he saw a bright light and heard a voice from Heaven
When Paul healed a crippled man in Lystra, the people considered Paul and Barnabas to be what?
Mercury and Jupiter
When Jesus went back to Heaven, he promised to send me to take his place
The Holy Spirit
I joined Paul on his second missionary journey. Paul loved me like a son and wrote two letters to me.
Just after Jesus ascended to Heaven, two angels promised that Jesus would what?
Come back again
Paul escaped from Damascus when his friends did what?
Lowered him in a basket over the wall
When the people of Lystra were convinced that Paul was a fake, they what?
Stoned him and left for dead
I was one of the first seven deacons. I was the first martyr of the Christian church
I am a doctor. I joined Paul on his second missionary journey near Troas. I wrote two books of the bible.
The holy spirit came to live inside believers on the day of
in Antioch of Syria, followers of Christ were first called "little Christ's" or?
Paul and Silas got out of prison at Philippi when what happened?
God sent an earthquake
I befriended Paul when he was a young Christian. I went with him on his first missionary journey.
Even though I was afraid, I went to see Paul in Damascus after he had lost his eyesight.
on the day of Pentecost, 120 believers were given the ability to what?
Speak in foreign languages
While in Antioch, Pual told the Jews "Since you refuse to believe in Jesus the Messiah, we are now turning to"
The Gentiles
Whenever Paul worked at his trade to earn money to support himself. he worked as a
I went on the first missionary journey; Paul was unhappy when I left Perga. I wrote the book of the bible.
John Mark
My wife, Queen Bernice, and I heard Paul give his defense. I told Paul, "Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian."
When the church leaders needed helpers to give the windows the right amount of food, the church chose seven what?
When Paul preached a powerful sermon in Jerusalem at Pentecost, how many believed in Christ
When Paul preached at Mars Hill in Athens, he talked about an altar he had seen in the city. The Inscription on the altar said what?
"To the Unknown God"