Which group of Jews was focused on EXTERNAL righteousness?
What is the name of the model prayer provided in the Bible?
The Lord's Prayer
Does fasting earn you favor with God?
No, it helps a Christian focus on spiritual things while denying the flesh.
Provide one reason why worry is a pointless activity.
It doesn't change anything; it harms your health; it prevents a solution.
Explain how Matthew 7:1 is oftentimes misinterpreted.
People use it as an excuse to not be told the truth.
Jesus provides examples of how to give, pray, and ______ in Matthew 6.
Making God’s Name “Hallowed” means what?
Regarded as Holy/Respected
What is one reason why young people might falsely appear righteous?
External pressures/expectations; out of habit
Jesus gives 2 illustrations from nature detailing why we should not worry. One illustration is fowls (birds) while the other illustration is ________.
lilies (flowers)
What is one negative consequence of a self-righteous attitude?
We focus on the faults of others; An angry spirit can develop
Why should we focus on eternal rewards?
They last forever/are in accordance with true righteousness.
The flesh is naturally in rebellion or submission toward God?
What is one thing a Christian should do when they are struggling with unbelief over God’s Guidance?
Be honest with oneself; ask God for His help
Does worry ever change anything for the better?
In Jesus’ illustration on why we shouldn’t judge others in a self-righteous manner, He gives the illustration of a speck and a _________.
How does Jesus expect a righteous person to give?
Provide one other name mentioned in our lesson for a child of God.
Believers, Christians, Saints
Describe the message of Romans 8:28.
Christians can rest assured that God has their best interest at heart.
What is the alternative to worry?
Seeking the Kingdom
What is the overall message of the Golden Rule?
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
The majority of a Christian’s prayer should be public or private?
What are the 3 basic answers that God can give in response to a prayer?
Yes, No, Wait
What is something that a person may have as an idol in their life?
Money, fame, yourself, other people, etc.
How does God already know our future needs?
He is already in the future.
Can you live a righteous life relying on willpower alone?
No, you can't defeat the flesh with the flesh.