Bible verses
Books of the Bible
Places in the Bible
OT Bible characters
NT Bible characters

In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth.

What is Genesis 1:1?


 Written to explain how everything was made and how it was started. It focuses on who were the first people of this world, the first sin, to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and to his son, Joseph, to Egypt. 

What is the Book of Genesis?


The place Jesus was born.

Where is Bethlehem?


The main character but is also His son. He dies in the second half of the book. 

Who is God?


She was the virgin mother of the most important character in the story and being married to Joseph. 

Who is the virgin Mary or Mary, mother of Jesus?


For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son. That whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have eternal life.

What is John 3:16?


A collection of biographies that depict Jesus Christ's life here on earth. From His birth, to His life of spreading the Good News and performing miracles, and lastly dying on the cross to save us from our sins. 

What are the Gospels? (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John)


A well known river that the Egyptians dropped Hebrew babies to be killed in order to lessen their population. 

Where is the Nile River?


Known for being the son of Adam and Eve. But was sadly murdered by his brother due to his jealousy for him.

Who is Abel?


Although he was not an apostle, he did write one of the Gospels. 

Who is Luke?


For all have sinned, fall short of the Glory of God.

What is Romans 3:23


A captive during the invasion of Babylon. Although he was a captive and was living in a foreign country, God blessed him and his friends to rise in higher positions. During this, they went through many trials such as  choosing their life over bowing to a statue, deciphering dreams, and being put into a lions' den.

What is the Book of Daniel?


God granted Moses His commandments on this mountain, only to come down and break them in front of the people due to them worshiping a golden calf. 

Where is Mount Sinai


He ran away from God and boarded a boat to get away from Him. But God was like "Oh no you don't" and sent a storm which led to the crew reluctantly throwing him overboard. Then he gets swallowed by a big fish (whale or sum?) He repents and then goes to Nineveh and throws a fit.

Who is Jonah?


He was one of the Christian leaders and preachers in the Jerusalem church. This character was known for his courage for helping and befriending Paul when most of the church members were scared of this former christian persecutor. 

Who is Barnabas/ Joseph?


 I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.

What is Philippians 4:13?


One of the wisdom literature, this book displays a dark viewpoint on life. It talks about how trying to cope with our life here on earth is absolutely meaningless. But even if so, the only right thing to do is to fear the Lord and keep His commandments. 

What is the Book of Ecclesiastes?


This is where the story of Job takes place. 

Where is the land of Uz? 


She is the first prophetess of the Bible and is also known for being Moses' sister. One time she talked terribly of Moses and God gave her leprosy...  but it's fine because was healed afterwards.

Who is Miriam?


He was one of the three closest apostles that Jesus kept closest. Before being an apostle he was a fisherman and was the last surviving apostle that died of natural causes (the others were martyred)

Who is the John the Apostle?


Children, obey your parents in all things.

What is Colossians 3:20 or Ephesians 6:2


This was a time in the Bible where the Israelites were in a repeating cycle of disobedience (worshiping false gods), punishment (attacked and enslaved by another nation), repentance (the people repent and asks to be saved), salvation (God gives them someone to save them) and then repeat. 

What is the Book of Judges?


The southern kingdom of Israel after King Solomons death when the kingdoms split into two. This kingdom contained 10 of the 12 tribes of Israel. 

Where is Judah?


He was known for being the cousin of Esther. He raised her as if he was her father, and helped her into getting married to the king of Persia. 

Who is Mordecai?


In the Bible, she was possessed by 7 demons but was cured by Jesus. This made her a follower of Him. She followed Jesus Christ, witnessing His death and was the first one to witness His resurrection. Being the first person to tell the full gospel of Jesus.  

Who is Mary Magdalene?
