What is worship?
Singing to God and acknowledging him as king
What is Christmas?
The celebration of Jesus's birth
Who was Jesus's mother?
What piece brings salvation?
Helmet of Salvation
What is repentance?
Asking God for forgiveness and turning away from sin
What is Easter?
The celebration of Jesus's resurrection of the dead.
Who were the first humans created?
Adam & Eve
What piece brings truth?
Belt of truth
What is baptism?
Letting your old self die and being raised to life as a follower of Christ. Letting everyone you know you follow him.
What is Good Friday?
The remembrance of the day Jesus died?
Who had 1,000 wives/concubines
What piece is faith?
Shield of faith
What is the lord's supper?
Remembrance of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross
What is Psalm Sunday?
The celebration of Jesus's entrance into Jerusalem
Who was the disciple who walked on water?
What piece brings the word of God?
Sword of the spirit
What is evangelism?
Sharing the story of Jesus with others
What is Advent?
The remembrance and preparation of Jesus return to earth
Who had super strength from his hair?
What piece brings rightousness?
The breastplate of righteousness