The mother of all living
Jesus' Mother
Who wrote the Book of Acts?
BONUS: How many days did it take for God to finish his creation?
6 days.... Bonus: On what day did the Lord rest? for 200 points.
Which of the four Gospels has no parables?
Gospel of John
Who was the only woman judge in the OT?
Name of King Ahab's wife?
In Acts chapter 2, the disciples waited in the upper room until the Holy Spirit came upon them. What special gift were they given.
Spoke in tongues to witness of Christ
What is another name for the 7th day rest?
BONUS: What group did not believe in a Resurrection? Sadducees or Pharisees
Sadducees...Bonus: Name one Pharisee in the Bible. For 300 points
BONUS: Name of John the Baptist's mother?
Elizabeth.... what well known mother was she related to? For 300 points.
Name of Moses' wife? (It starts with the letter Z)
Who was chosen to go with Paul on his 2nd missionary journey?
What chapter did Eve & then Adam take of the forbidden tree?
Chapter 3
Which Gospel was written by a Doctor?
What are the first 5 books of the Old Testament Called?
Pentateuch, Torah or the Law
The wife of Aquilla
BONUS: What King said "Almost thou persuades me to be a Christian"
King Agrippa.... Bonus: who witnessed to him? for 300 points.
What name did God give Jacob.
Who is the "Voice of one crying in the wilderness"?
John the Baptist
Name one Lazarus's two sisters?
Martha or Mary
Seller of Purple who was saved by the River side.
In Acts chapter 8, who witnessed to the Ethiopian Eunuch in the chariot and then baptized him?
Whose wife did Joseph flee from when she made advances toward him.
Which Temple stood in the time of the Gospels? the 2nd temple, the third temple, or the fourth?
2nd Temple
BONUS: Ananias and his wife dropped dead after they lied to the Holy Spirit. What was his wife's name?
Saphira....Bonus: What did they lie about? For 600 points.
Dorcas who was raised from the dead was also called by this name.
How many believed on Jesus, were baptized and added to the church in Acts 2
About 3,000 souls
How did God stop the people from building the tower of Babel?
Broke them up into many languages and caused confusion
Which Gospel has the verse that says: "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature".
The Gospel of Mark