How long did Moses's mother hide Moses from Pharoah?
3 months
Who was the most wicked king of Israel?
Which prophet is called the "weeping" prophet?
Who is called the light of the world?
How many years did Enoch walked faithfully with God before he was taken by God without dying?
What was first of the ten plagues in Egypt?
Water turned into blood
What king's name meant peaceable?
Whose hands were upheld by two persons and caused the armies of Israel to be victorious?
What was the first miracle performed by Christ?
Water turned to wine
What are two greatest commandments in New Testament that Jesus gave?
Love Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength and love your neighbors as yourself
Who restored Paul's sight after the Lord blinded him?
Who was made king of Judah at 7 years old after having been hidden for 6 years?
What prophet was sent as a missionary to the Ninevites?
What were the first words God spoke to man?
Be fruitful and multiply
Who did Elijah gave the mantle to before he was taken to heaven in chariot?
What was Paul's occupation?
What 3 books did King Solomon wrote in the bible?
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Songs
Who has 4 unmarried daughters who were prophetesses?
How did God manifest his presence at the dedication of the temple?
Fire came down from heaven
What are the colors of 4 horses in the Book of Revelation?
White, red, black, and pale green
Of what wood was Noah's Ark made?
Gopher wood
Who was the last king of Judah?
Who was the prophet during King Ahab's reign?
What does El Shaddai meant in the Hebrew Bible?
God Almighty
Who was God speaking to in the Valley of Dry Bones?