This woman of faith was cured of wicked spirits. Specifically seven demons were expelled out of her.
Esta mujer de fe fue curada de demonios. Siete demonios fueron echados de ella.
Who is Mary Magdalene?
The age gap between Abraham and Sarah.
La diferencia de edad entre Abrahan y Sara.
What is 10 years?
In this video Caleb lies about breaking a vase.
En este video, Caleb mintio sobre romper una vase.
Nan videyò sa Kaleb te bay manti le l te kraze vaz manma l
What is Always tell the truth
Que es "Di siempre la verdad"
Ki sa “se pou nou toujou di laverite“
The city Rebekah was from.
La ciudad de Rebeca.
What is Haran?
Mary took_______ to the temple after Jesus was born.
Maria llevo_____al templo despues de nacimiento de Jesus.
What is two doves?
This woman of faith literally risked her neck to save the Apostle Paul.
Una mujer que arresigo su vida para salvar a Apostol Pablo.
Who is Priscilla?
Jael killed Sisera with....
Jael mato a Sisera con...?
What is a tent pin?
In this video we learn how to choose a good friend.
En este video, aprendemos cómo buscar un buen amigo y lo que requiere para buscarlo.
Videyo sa montre nou ki jan nou ka cheche bon zanmi
What is the white board "What is a true friend?"
Que es la pizarra animada de "¿Que es un amigo verdadero?"
“Ki sa yon bon zanmi ye?”
Number of daughter-in laws Rebecca had.
Numero de nueras que tenia Rebeca.
What is 7?
Ruth left behind her______.
Rut dejo atras su_________.
What is her family, her country and her false gods?
This woman of faith was once a prostitute.
Ella era prostituta antes de conocer a Jehova.
Who is Rahab?
The number of chapters in Esther.
Cuantos capitulos hay en el libro de Ester?
What is 10?
In the JW Original drama series "Remember The Wife Of Lot" what was the main character’s new job?
Que era el oficio de la personaje principal en "Acuerdese de la Esposa de Lot"?
What is a Real Estate Agent?
Que es agente de bienes reales?
Names of Moses sister and wife?
Nombre de la hermana de Moises y nombre de su esposa.
Who is Miriam and Zipporah?
Mary poured_____ on Jesus.
Maria derramo_____encima de Jesus.
What is fine perfumed nard?
This woman of faith was the only woman mentioned in the Scriptures as having the feminine form of the word “disciple” applied to her.
La unica mujer que la Biblia describe como discipula.
Who is Dorcas?
The names of Jacob's wives.
Los nombres de las esposas de Jacob.
Who is Leah,Rachel,Bilha,Zilpa?
In the movie "Walk by faith" one couple returns to Jerusalem for this reason.
En la pelicula "Andamos por fe" una pareja regresa a Jerusalen por este motivo.
What is they miss their material possessions?
Que es extranan sus bienes materiales?
The city Jepthah's daughter had to work in for the rest of her life.
La ciudad donde la hija de Jefta trabajaba por todo su vida.
What is Shiloh?
Hannah gave her_____to Jehovah.
Ana regalo su_____a Jehova.
What is her firstborn son?
This woman of faith was of the priestly family of Aaron the Levite.
Una mujer de la tribu de Levi y tia de Jesus.
Who is Elizabeth?
The age Sarah was when she became mother to Isaac.
La edad cuando Sara llego a ser mama.
What is 90/91?
In the JW assembly videos from 2020. The name of the interested girl that approaches the Witness cart.
De los videos de 2020. El nombre de la chica interesada que acerca a un carrito de predicacion.
Who is Jade?
Quien es Coral?
The prophetess that gave courage to Barak.
FILL IN: "At this time Jabin is the king of Canaan. He has______ war chariots.
La profetisa que dio animo a Barak. Cuantos caros de guerra tenia Jabin rey de Canaan?
Who is Deborah? What is 900?
Women who worked hard to rebuild Jerusalem's wall.
Mujeres que trabajaban para reedificar las murallas de Jerusalen.
Who are the daughters of Shallum (Neh 3:12)?