Kenese, ___ , ____
Kenese, Esoto, Levitiko
The city Jesus was born
What is Bethlehem?
Commandment #1
What is 'You shall have no other gods before me?
The seventh day
What is God rested?
Christian / Kerisiano
i am Christian
_____, Luka, ____
Mareko, Luka, Ioane
The number of books in the new testament
What is 27?
Commandment #8
The fourth day God created
What is the Sun, Moon and stars?
Love / Alofa
1. I Love you Lord
2. Alofa i lou tuaoi
1 John, ____, _____
1 John, 2 John, 3 John
This person baptized Jesus
Who is John the Baptizer?
Commandment #6
What is Thou shall not kill?
The first day God created
What is light?
Hallelujah / Aleluia
1. Aleluia (x3)
Salamo + 5
Salamo, faataoto, failauga, pese solomona, isaia, ieremia
This act is how Judas signal Jesus's identity to the Roman officials
What is he kisses him?
Commandment #3
What is 'Do not take the name of the Lord in vain?'
The third day God created
What is dry land, seas, plants and trees?
Bible / Tusi Paia
1. Bible that the book for me
2. read your bible and pray everyday / faitau lau tusi paia
_______, ________, Hakai
Sepakuka, Sefanaia, Hakai
Jesus fed 5,000+ people with these
What is 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread?
Commandment #5
The fifth day God created
What are creatures of the sea and creatures that fly?
Jesus / Iesu
1. i speak jesus
2. jesus loves the little children