This was the part of Adam's body God used to create Eve
The rib
Jesus expelled 7 demons from her
Mary Magdalene
This is where Jesus grew up
What Moses used in his hand that turned into a serpent
A rod
He dreamed that the sun and the moon and 11 stars bowed down to him
This name means father of a nation or father of multitudes
The Old Testament book in which Satan specifically asks permission to attack an individual
The biblical figure who was turned into a pillar of salt
Lot's wife
Where Jesus prayed when He was arrested
Garden of Gethsemane
The name of the food God gave the Israelites in the dessert
He said that he was unworthy to stoop down to untie another man's sandals
John the Baptist
This is the Hebrew name for the one true God
These were the 3 things Satan tempted Jesus with while on earth
1) turn stones into bread
2) throw himself off the highest point of the temple and have angels catch him
3) all the kingdoms on earth in return for worshipping Satan
I said, "Here I am, send me"
The mountain where Abraham went to sacrifice Isaac
Mount Moriah
This is what appeared and separated Elisha from Elijah so Elijah could be taken into heaven
A chariot and horses of fire
This king destroyed Jerusalem and deported the inhabitants
This is the meaning of El Shaddhai
In the book of Acts, this happened on the road to Damascus
Saul was struck by a brilliant light, fell to the ground, heard a voice from heaven identified as the voice of Jesus asking, “Why are you using violence against me?” and ended up blind being led by his companions toward Damascus
Jesus chose me to be an apostle while I was at the office
Matthew (or Levi)
Where Jesus was Crucified
This was the first plague that Pharaoh's magicians could not duplicate
A trial of lice (gnats)
He said to Jesus, 'Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net'
A Hebrew name that points to God as Creator - it also depicts the Holy Trinity
This saved Paul when he spoke to the people on the steps of the Fortress of Antonia in Acts
He invoked the rights of his Roman citizenship to avoid being scourged by Roman soldiers
At 969, he was the Bible’s longest-lived man
This is called the "City of David"
When Rachel left home with Jacob, her husband, this is what she stole from her father, Laban
Laban’s household gods
The Jerusalem priest who put Jesus on trial
This name means the Lord exalts or Yahweh will raise or God is high