Lord's Prayer
Apostle's Creed
10 Commandments
Old Testament
Life of Jesus

Who taught the disciples to pray the Lord's Prayer?

A) Their parents

B) Jesus

C) The priests of the church 


What is the Apostles' Creed?

A) A prayer for bringing in more apostles.

B) A statement of the apostles' beliefs. 

C) A way to make soup. 


What is the first (most important) commandment given to Moses by God? 

A) Don't steal.

B) Honor your parents.

C) Have NO other gods but the one true God. 

D) All of the above. 


Where did the first humans live when God first created them?

A) in the Garden of Eden

B) on top of Mount Sinah

C) on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea 


Who were Jesus's parents?

A) Mary and David

B) Mary and Joseph

C) Mary and Saul


According to the Lord's Prayer, where does God reside (live)? 

A) In heaven

B) Inside the Ark of the Covenant

C) In our hearts


What is the Holy Trinity? 

A) A church

B) The apostles

C) The disciples

D) The Father, Son and Holy Spirit of God (three persons in one divine being). 


In which commandment does God address how we should treat our neighbors' belongings? 

A) 8th = do not steal

B) 5th = honor your mother and father

C) 10th = do not envy others 


What did God ask Abraham to sacrifice to Him on Mount Moriah?

A) A calf

B) His only son

C) His wife

D) B & C


Where was Jesus born?

A) In Nazareth

B) In Bethlehem

C) In Jerusalem


What does the word "hallowed" mean?

A) hollow

B) scary

C) honored

According to the Apostles' Creed, who is the Creator?

A) Samson

B) David

C) God Almighty, maker of Heaven and Earth

D) The snake in the garden


In which commandment does God tell people how to use His Holy Name? 

A) 8th = Do not steal.

B) 5th = Honor your mother and father. 

C) 3rd = Do not use the Lord's Name in vain. 

D) 11th = Don't use the Lord's Name as a curse. 


What did David use to kill Goliath?

A) A sword

B) A spear

C) A slingshot and a stone


Who baptized Jesus?

A) His father

B) His friends

C) John the Baptist


What are "debts" or "trespasses" in the line: Forgive us our debts/trespasses as we forgive our debtors/ those who have trespassed against us.

A) sacrifices

B) sins

C) mistakes


According to the Apostles' Creed, who conceived Jesus (the Only Son of God)? 

A) the virgin Mary

B) Joseph, fiancé of Mary

C) Pontius Pilate


How did the people receive the 10 Commandments? 

A) The Lord gave them to Moses on the mountaintop, and wrote them on stone tablets. 

B) They were shouted by God from the mountaintop.

C) The Golden Calf spoke them to the people while Moses was on the mountain. 


When God offered David's son, Solomon, anything he desired, what did Solomon ask for? 

A) Wisdom

B) Horses

C) Wealth


Where in the Bible must we read to learn about Jesus's life? 

A) In the New Testament

B) In the Gospels

C) In the Old Testament

D) All of the above. 


Where is the Lord's Prayer found in the Bible? 

A) In the Old Testament

B) In the psalms

C) In the New Testament

D) In Matthew (in the Old Testament)


According to the Apostles' Creed, three things happened to Jesus after He was conceived... what are these three things? 

A) He made a lot of friends, ate well, and taught. 

B) He was crucified, dead and buried. 

C) He suffered under Pontius Pilate but gained wealth and fame. 


When the 10 Commandments were first brought to the people, what were they doing? 

A) Worshipping God

B) Worshipping each other

C) Worshipping a Golden Calf (an idol)


Before he became a king, what was David's job?

A) He tended sheep.

B) He was a money changer in the temple. 

C) He was a tent maker. 

D) He was a Pharisee. 


Who wanted to meet Jesus so badly that he climbed a tree to get a better look?

A) David

B) Samson

C) Zacheus
