Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
From which garden were Adam and Eve banished?
The Garden of Eden
Who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
Judas Iscariot
The wedding at Cana
Where was Jesus born
Which two books are named after women?
Ruth and Esther
What was the promised land Moses lead the Israelites to?
Who was bribed by Philistines to find the secret of Samson's strength?
Who turned into a pillar of salt while escaping from Sodom and Gommorah?
Lot's wife
How many loaves of bread and fish did Jesus use to feed the crowd of 5000?
5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
What is the longest book of the Bible based on verses?
In which river did John the Baptist baptize people?
The Jordan River
Who did King David send to the frontlines of battle after committing adultery with Bathsheba?
Uriah the Hittite
Who fasted for 10 after refusing to eat the Babylonian food they were given?
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Daniel
Who asked permission from Pontius Pilate to have Jesus's body removed from the cross?
Joseph of Arimathea
In Which book is Jesus named: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace
Despite being told to preach in Nineveh, the prophet Jonah ran to which city?
Which of Joseph's 11 brothers tried to save him from being sold into slavery?
Who gave up his birthright for a bowl of stew?
Which kind of tree did Jesus curse before it withered?
How many books in the Old Testament are in the "minor prophets" category
After Israel split in two, what was the southern kingdom known as?
How many times did King Saul try to kill David with a spear?
Which kind of bird brought food to Elijah during a drought in Israel?
Which disciples, who were also brothers, did Jesus call "Sons of Thunder"?
James and John