How many days did it take God to create everything?
6 days
What was Jesus' mothers name?
Jesus used spit and dirt to heal a man's eyes?
Bartimaeus had what ailment when he encountered Jesus?
He was blind
God gave these to Moses of Mt. Sinai
The 10 commandments
Where did Adam and Eve live?
Garden of Eden
Who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver?
Paul's encounter with Jesus happened on a road call Delancey?
Road called Damascus
What did the little boy have that Jesus multiplied and fed the 5000?
5 loaves and 2 fish
The Israelites made this out of gold while Moses was on the mountain.
Golden Calf
What did God tell Noah to build?
How many days/nights did the storm last?
40 Days and 40 Nights
Who denied Jesus 3 times?
Before Paul's encounter with Jesus his name was Pablo.
What was Jesus' cousins name?
John the Baptist
The walls of this city came tumbling down when the Israelites marched around it?
What did God promise Abraham that made his wife laugh?
A child
When Jesus was a young boy and his parents lost him, where did they find him?
The Temple
Jesus' first miracle was raising a man from the dead.
Turning water into wine.
Mary poured this onto Jesus' feet at a dinner party?
Who watched Bathsheba bathe from his rooftop?
King David
What did Lott's wife turn into when she looked back at the city after God told them not to?
A pillar of salt
How many followers (disciples) did Jesus have?
Jesus was related to a prostitute who once saved Israel.
How did Jesus die?
They crucified him
Who did David defeat with 5 smooth stones?