what did david used to kill goliath?
what is a slingshot?
how many new testament books are there?
what are 27 books?
who were the first two disciples?
who are peter and andrew?
what was his profession before he started ministry?
what is a carpenter?
who wrote the most books of the bible?
who is paul?
how many books are in the old testament?
what is 39 books?
what are paul's letters called?
what are the epistles?
after the resurrection, how many days did Jesus stay with the disciples?
what is 40 days?
what river was Jesus baptized in?
what is the river jordan?
how many books are in psalms?
what is 150 books?
how many people were aboard on noah's ark?
what is 8 people?
which new testament book gives the most accounts of Jesus' miracles?
what is the book of mark?
how many days was lazarus dead before Jesus raised him?
what is four days?
where did he give his first sermon?
what is the sermon on the mount?
which prophet was taken to heaven in a whirlwind?
who is the prophet elijah?
what instrument did david play?
what is a harp?
what colors are the four horses in revelation?
(3 of 4 have to be correct)
what are white, red, dark, and pale?
what does the word gospel mean?
what is the good news?
where did Jesus go to pray after the last supper?
what is the garden of gethsemane?
who was the youngest king mentioned in the bible?
who is king josiah? (he was eight!)
who were miriam's brothers?
who are aaron and moses?
paul was shipwrecked on which island?
what is malta?
who was the disciple that replaced judas?
who is matthias?
who took Jesus down from the cross?
who is joseph of arimathea?
in which book is the story of david and goliath?
what is 1 samuel?