Genesis (a)
Genesis (b)
Bible Verses/Special Events
Exodus (a)
Exodus (b)

Which day did God create the animals and Adam & Eve?

a) Day 2
b) Day 4
c) Day 6
d) Day 7

c) Day 6


Who created the heavens and the earth?

a) God
b) Angels
c) Israelites
d) Nature  

a) God


John 3:16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only ____, that whoever believes in Him, shall not perish but have ___________?

son, eternal life


Who found a baby in a papyrus basket?
a) Miriam
b) Pharaoh's daughter
c) Moses
d) Benjamin 

b) Pharaoh's daughter


Why did Moses go to Midian?

a) Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses
b) God commanded Moses to save the Israelites
c) There was a festival happening with a burning bush
d) Moses dreamed of a stairway that reached from the earth to heaven

a) Pharaoh wanted to kill Moses


What command did God tell Adam in the Garden of Eden?

a) create a nice pond for the koi fish
b) do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good & evil
c) leave the Garden of Eden with Eve
d) be careful of the serpent 

b) do not eat from the tree of knowledge of good & evil 


Why did God send a flood?

a) to put out a massive fire at the time
b) to destroy the human race
c) to replenish the dry areas of the earth
d) to save Noah and his family and livestock

b) to destroy the human race


What games did we play to celebrate Lunar New Year Event?

a) watch virtual fireworks on YouTube
b) popping balloons
c) passing tangerine on spoon
d) red envelope craft
e) lunar new year snacks

b) popping balloons
c) passing tangerine on spoon
d) red envelope craft
e) lunar new year snacks


What did Aaron's staff turn into when he threw it in front of Pharaoh?

a) snake
b) a pouch of gold coins
c) frogs
d) water

a) snake


What adjective is used to describe Pharaoh's heart?

a) hard
b) angry
c) jealous
d) bitter

a) hard

How many days and nights did the flood continue?

a) 20
b) 40
c) 60
d) 80

b) 40


Choose all the promises that God made with Abram:

1) Long life
2) God's blessing
3) Great nation
4) Land
5) Offspring
6) No punishments

2) God's blessing
3) Great nation
4) Land
5) Offspring


Genesis 15:1

15 After this, the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision:

“Do not be afraid, Abram.
    I am your ________
    your very great __________

a) shield, reward
b) rock, deliverer
c) God, king
d) light, hope

a) shield, reward


Which two plagues were copied by Pharaoh's magicians?

a) Plague of Gnats
b) Plague of Flies
c) Plague of Blood
d) Plague of Frogs

c) Plague of Blood
d) Plague of Frogs


How many plagues did God inflict on Egypt?

b) 7
c) 10
d) 12

c) 10


Why did Abraham instruct his servant to find someone from his country and not from Canaan for Isaac to marry? 

God's covenant was specific only to Abraham and his people. 


Why did Esau want to kill Jacob?

a) God showed more favour to Jacob's offering more than Esau's
b) Jacob's trickery
c) Jacob won against God in a wrestling match
d) Jacob is Isaac's favourite son 

b) Jacob's trickery

Bonus Question (100 pts):
What are the 2 things that Jacob stole from Esau?


Exodus 3:5-6

5 “Do not come any closer,” God said. “Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.”
Then he said, “I am the God of your father, the God of _________, the God of _______ and the God of _________

” At this, Moses hid his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob


What is the Passover? 

God instructed the Israelites to paint the door posts with blood so when that it will be a sign so that they will not be affected by the Plague of the First Born. God's judgement will pass over them. 


Select the items that God provide to the Israelite's when they grumbled against Moses in the desert

a) duck
b) lamb
c) manna
d) onions
e) water
f) beef
g) quail

c) manna
e) water
g) quail


Who was given the new name - Israel?

a) Abraham
b) Isaac
c) Jacob
d) Joseph

c) Jacob


Pharaoh did not understanding his 2 dreams.

Q1: What did Pharaoh dream about? (500pts)

Bonus Question (100pts):
What was Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream? 

Q1: dream of cows & dream of grain 

Bonus: 7 Years of Harvest followed by 7 Years of Famine


Galatians 5:22-23

22 But the fruit of the Spirit is ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, ____, _____, ____, ____. Against such things there is no law.

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control


What was Jethro's advice to Moses?

a) remain faithful to God during trouble
b) train & delegate tasks to decrease own workload
c) repair the 10 commandments tablets that Moses broke
d) pray to God and intercede on behalf of the Israelite 

b) train & delegate tasks to decrease own workload


On which mountain did Moses received the 10 commandments?

a) Mount Sinai
b) Mount of Olives
c) Mount  Zion
d) Mount Carmel

a) Mount Sinai
