Quote Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Which city was Saul traveling towards when he encountered a light from heaven?
How many souls were saved on the ark?
Who was the wife of Salmon and mother of Boaz?
What happened to the 42 children who made fun of Elisha's baldness?
Two bears came out of the woods and killed them.
What did God promise Noah with the rainbow?
That he would never destroy the earth with a flood again.
On what day did the apostles receive the Holy Spirit?
Day of Pentecost
What happened to King David's firstborn son?
Killed at a feast held by Absalom as revenge for what he did to Tamar
Which woman did Peter raise from the dead in Joppa?
Dorcas or Tabitha
What did Balaam's donkey see in the road, and what did it do?
Who was Abraham's son?
Who looked after the coats of the men who stoned Stephen?
Who was Hannah's husband and Samuel's father?
Who was Ruth's sister in law who did not follow Naomi home?
In Matthew 21, what did Jesus say to the fig tree that had only leaves and no fruit?
No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you!
What happened to Lot's wife?
She turned into a pillar of salt after she looked back at Sodom and Gomorrah
Which Pharisee said that if the gospel truly comes from God, no-one will be able to stop it?
Who anointed Israel's first King?
How many named sons did Bathsheba have with King David and which one became King?
4 and Solomon
God allowed Ezekiel to eat bread baked over ________ instead of ________ as he lay on his left side for 390 days to bear the wrongdoings of Israel.
Cow dung, Human dung
Who was Isaac's wife?
What was the field that Judas Iscariot purchased with his betrayal money called?
Aceldama or Field of Blood
How many foxes did Samson tie torches to in order to burn the fields of the Philistines?
Who was Tamar's (Judah's daughter in law) 2nd husband?
In the book of Judges, how did King Eglon of Moab die?
An Israelite named Ehud stabbed him with a dagger.