Who appeared before Zechariah when he was worshiping in the temple? What was his name?
An angel of the Lord (Gabriel)
What as the king's name during Jesus' birth?
King Herod
What was the angel's name that visited Mary?
The angel Gabriel.
Who were Jesus' parents?
Mary and Joseph
Where was Jesus born? In a hotel, or in stable?
A stable.
Where did Zechariah the priest and his wife Elizabeth live when Herod was king?
What did the king ask the wise men to do?
Go find the child that was born and let him know so that he might go and worship him too.
Who was Mary's fiancee?
What as the name of the festival that the Jews went to each year?
Feast of the Passover
What did the shepherds see in the field?
A bright light in the sky and angels.
What was the prophecy given to Zechariah?
That he and his wife are going to have a son, and they are to name him John.
What were the gifts the wisemen brought before Jesus?
Gold, incense, and myrrh.
Who was Mary's relative that she want to see to tell the news of the angel?
Her relative Elizabeth.
At what age was Jesus when he first began his ministry?
12 years of age
After Mary and Joseph were married, where did they go when the Emperor ordered the census?
The town of Bethlehem.
What happened to Zechariah after he was given the prophecy?
He was unable to speak till John was born.
Why did King Herod want to find baby Jesus?
He was afraid that Jesus would take his throne so he wanted to find him.
Which town did Mary live in?
The town of Nazareth.
What did Jesus say to Mary and Joseph when they asked him why He left them and went to the temple? And why was this important?
"Why were you searching for me? Did you know that I had to be in my Father's house." This was important because it revealed who He was, and that is the Son of God.
What did the shepherds find in the manger? What did they think?
Mary, Joseph, and the Baby Jesus. They knew that this was the Son of God and the promised Messiah.
What did John do to prepare for the coming of the Messiah?
He preached about God and baptized them.
What did the wisemen do after they visited Jesus? Did they go back to King Herod?
No, because they were warned in a dream not to go back so they went another way to a country in the East.
Don't be afraid. God has chosen you to be the mother of a baby, a son, whom you will name Jesus. He will be be very great; he wil be called the Son of the Most High and He will rule over a kingdom that will last forever.
What did the Jews kill as a sacrifice at the festival? What did it remind them of?
A lamb and flat bread, to remind them of their exodus from Egypt and how God protected them for them the plague.
What was the name of the old man in the temple who was waiting to see the Messiah before he died?