The son of Abraham and Hagar. His mother had to flee from Sarah's anger.
Who is Ishmael?
Each year I made a new robe for my son who lived with the priests in the temple of God.
Who is Hannah?
The country where Jesus spent the first years of his life.
Where/What is Egypt?
A dreaded disease. "Unclean" was the cry when one with this disease came near.
What is LEPROSY?
The Shepherd's Psalm is Psalm _______.
Who is AARON?
I was a woman full of good works: I made clothing for the poor.
Who is Dorcas?
John wrote the book of Revelation while exiled on this island.
What/Where is Patmos?
The love of this is the root of all evil.
What is MONEY?
I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in ________, just as your soul prospers.
What is HEALTH?
On the day of Pentecost I stood up and assured the people that we weren't drunk but filled with the Spirit.
Who is Peter?
I hid a statue in my husband's bed and lied and told my father he was sick in order to save his life.
Who is Michal?
The hometown of the medium (witch) that Saul consulted before his last battle with the Philistines,
Where/What is ENDOR?
We can move mountains if we have faith as small as this.
What is a mustard seed?
Jesus said, "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the _____________ but loses his own soul?"
What is the WHOLE WORLD?
Who is Hezekiah?
I was such a great dancer the king offered me anything I wanted. I used this opportunity to get revenge.
Who is Salome?
The plain on which Nebuchadnezzar set up his golden image.
Where is DURA?
Zacchaeus climbed this kind of tree to see Jesus.
What is a sycamore (tree)?
The day of the Lord will come as a _____________.
I was greatly troubled by handwriting I saw on the wall during a feast I gave,
Who is Belshazzar?
My sister in law Ruth moved to Israel with our mother in law, but I chose to stay in Moab.
Who is Orpah?
The birthplace of Saul who later became the Apostle Paul.
Where/What is Tarsus?
What is an axe head?
Moses took the bones of __________ out of Egypt.
Who is JOSEPH?