Who was the Roman centurion in Caesarea described as devout and God-fearing?
In which city did Cornelius live?
What was shown to Peter in his vision?
A large sheet with all kinds of animals, reptiles and birds.
What happened while Peter was speaking at Cornelius' house?
The Holy Spirit came upon all who heard the message.
What does Peter's vision teach us about God's character?
God does not show favoritism and accepts all who fear Him and do what is right.
Who received a vision from God on the rooftop in Joppa?
In which city was Peter when he received the vision?
How many times did Peter see the vision of the sheet?
Three times
What sign showed that the Gentiles had recieved the Holy Spirit?
They spoke in tongues and praised God.
Why was Cornelius' prayer and giving to the poor significant?
They were remembered by God as a memorial offering.
Who sent messengers to Joppa to bring Peter to Caesarea?
Where was Peter staying in Joppa?
At the house of Simon the Tanner
What did the voice in Peter's vision tell him to do with the animals?
Kill and eat
How did Peter react to the Holy Spirit being given to the Gentiles?
He ordered them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.
What did the Jewish believers say after hearing Peter's explanation?
Who criticized Peter for going to the house of Gentiles?
The circumcised believers in Jerusalem
What region was Joppa located in?
What time of day did Cornelius have his vision, and what did the angel tell him?
Cornelius had his vision at about 3:00 pm. The angel told him that his prayers and alms had come up as a memorial before God and instructed him to send for Simon Peter.
What did Peter call the gift of the Holy Spirit in his explanation to the Jewish believers?
The same gift that was given to the apostles at Pentecost.
What was the purpose of God giving Cornelius a vision to invite Peter?
To demonstrate that salvation through Jesus Christ is for all, not just Jews.
How did Peter defend his actions when criticized by the circumcised believers in Jerusalem?
Peter explained the vision he had, how the Holy Spirit directed him, and how the Holy Spirit fell upon the Gentiles, showing that God had granted repentance that leads to life to the Gentiles as well.
What did the Holy Spirit tell Peter when the men sent by Cornelius arrived?
The Holy Spirit told Peter to go with the men without hesitation because He had sent them.
****Daily Double****
You must answer both parts of the question correctly to earn the point; if any part of your response is incorrect, the entire answer will be considered wrong.
1. In Acts 4:5-31, which two apostles boldly defended their faith before the Sanhedrin, declaring that salvation is found in no one else but Jesus.
2. In Acts 9, Saul regains his sight after being blinded on the road to Damascus. What was the name of the disciple in Damascus who laid hands on him and prayed for his healing?
****Daily Double****
You must answer both parts of the question correctly to earn the point; if any part of your response is incorrect, the entire answer will be considered wrong.
1. In Acts 6, seven men were chosen to serve as deacons and assist the apostles. One of them later became the first Christian martyr. What was his name?
2. What is the name of the man who sold a field and brought the money to the apostles in Acts 4, later nicknamed "Son of Encouragement"?
How does this passage shape the mission of the Church?
It shows that the gospel is for all nations and calls the Church to embrace inclusivity and unity.