What tree's fruit did Adam and Eve eat, leading to the Fall?
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
What type of tree did Jesus curse for not bearing fruit?
A fig tree
In which book do we find the phrase, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge"?
What river did Naaman wash in to be healed of leprosy?
Jordan River
Who was Sarah’s Egyptian maidservant who bore Abraham a son?
Who was the Babylonian king that threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into the fiery furnace?
How did Jesus heal the man who was blind from birth?
He made mud with His saliva and put it on the man’s eyes
Finish this verse: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness..."
gentleness, and self-control
What city was Paul traveling to when he was struck blind by a vision of Jesus?
Who was the first high priest of Israel?
What was the name of the mountain where Elijah called down fire from heaven?
Mount Carmel
What miracle did Jesus perform after Peter cast his net on the right side of the boat?
A miraculous catch of fish
What does Paul say is the "greatest" in I Corinthians 13?
What Philistine city was home to Goliath?
Who was stoned to death, becoming the first Christian martyr?
Who was the left-handed judge that defeated King Eglon of Moab?
Who touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was healed?
The woman with the issue of blood
Which Psalm includes the line, "Create in me a clean heart, O God"?
Psalm 51
Where was the Ark of the Covenant kept before the temple was built?
Which disciple was a tax collector before following Jesus?
What prophet married a prostitute to symbolize Israel's unfaithfulness?
After Jesus healed a demon-possessed man, what happened to the demons?
They entered a herd of pigs that ran into the sea
Who said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"?
What city was destroyed after Jonah preached repentance?
Who was the king who consulted the Witch of Endor?