Name That Bible Character
These were the Twelve Apostles!
Numbers are cool :)
Travelling around the Holy Land (and beyond)

He was the evil king of the Roman province of Judea whose paranoia made him go on killing sprees, including his close family members and baby boys in Bethlehem. 

Who is Herod the Great?


He was the disciple with the most fiery personality and the one to whom Jesus gave the name meaning "Rock." 

Who is Simon Peter?


Jesus was this age when he went to the Passover with his family and was found discussing with the teachers of the law. 

What is 12 years old?


Nazareth, the town where Jesus grew up is located in this region. 

What is Galilee?


The devil quoted the words "For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands so that you will not strike your foot against a stone" when he tempted Jesus to do this.

What is jump off the Temple?


He was the second Elijah who would prepare the way for the Messiah.

Who is John the Baptist?


He was a member of the Jewish resistance group against the Roman Empire. 

Who is Simon the Zealot?


This number in the Bible often represents a time of trial or testing as when Jesus was in the wilderness tempted by Satan. 

What is 40?


This is the famous river where John the Baptist baptised many people. 

What is the Jordan River?


John the Baptist called people to do this, meaning to turn away from sin. 

What is repent?


He was the first person to hear from God after the Intertestamental Period. 

Who is Zechariah?

He was the disciple who said in his skepticism about Jesus, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

Who is Bartholomew or Nathaniel?


This was the age at which a Jewish boy would become a bar mitzvah, or "son of the commandment". 

What is age 13?


This is the city where the Temple was located. 

What is Jerusalem?


This kind of person took a vow to be holy for the Lord by not touching a dead body, never drinking alcohol, and never cutting his hair.

What is a Nazirite?


She was a Gentile women included in Jesus' genealogy who hid the spies scouting Canaan and escaped Jericho's destruction by hanging a red cord out her window. 

Who is Rahab?


These two are sons of Zebedee, also called the sons of thunder. 

Who are James and John?


Jesus called 12 disciples to found the New Testament Church, mirroring these from the Old Testament. 

What are the 12 tribes of Israel?


Also known as the Lake of Gennesaret, this body of water provided the occupation of several of Jesus' disciples. 

What is the Sea of Galilee?


This was a tool ancient people used to separate wheat from chaff; it also symbolized God's judgment and separation of the righteous from the wicked. 

What is a winnowing fork?


He was the son of Herod the Great and took over rule of Judea after his death, but he was a bad ruler and didn't last long. 

Who is Archelaus?


He was the treasurer for the disciples.

Who is Judas Iscariot?


This was Jesus' age at the time of the Magi's visit. 

What is 2 years old?


This place once held God's people in bondage but later provided refuge for the baby Jesus. 

What is Egypt?


This fragrant gift from the Magi symbolized Christ's divinity. 

What is frankincense?
