Who was swallowed by a whale?
How many books are in the Bible?
The place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God.
The Garden of Eden
Mother of all creation
Who said this to who? "wherever you go I will go, and wherever you lodge, I will lodge; Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God."
Ruth to Naomi
Who had a dream about the ladder to heaven?
Name 3 of the 10 Commandments
I played my harp for King Saul
Who led the children of Israel after Moses died?
What was Paul's old name?
True or False: David wrote the entire book of Psalms.
False: The Psalms are a collection by many writers, but David contributed the most.
Where was Jesus born?
Bethlehem or Bethlehem of Judea
Name of the shortest book of the Old Testament
What brother was sold by his other brothers as a slave?
The mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
Mount Olives
He was Jacob's hairy big brother.
What did Jesus tell Simon Peter and Andrew to do when they were fishing with their father?
"Follow Me."
Ruth's first and second husband
Mahlon and Boaz
The mountain where Moses received the 10 Commandments
Mount Sinai
How many people entered Noah’s ark?
Who said, "It is finished"?
What Jesus said that He would destroy and rebuild in 3 days
The Temple
The Jewish woman who saved the Jews from the massacre that the king's chief minister plotted.
Apostle Paul wrote how many books?