God's Story
Theistic Religions
Revelation/House of Truth
The five worldviews through which people see things.
What is God, People, the Universe, Truth and Right/Wrong?
"In the beginning God...(Genesis 1:1)." This act revealed the origin of the heavens, the earth and everything in it. For six days he made other things and concluded with making His image-bearers and calling them to rule the earth.
What is creation?
There are books that people or groups hold to be true. The book of truth for Christians is _____________________?
What is the Bible?
The biblical Christian worldview, as you saw illustrated in the House of Truth, is built on ____________________.
What is The Rock of Truth (God Himself)
A book whose name comes from the Greek word biblios.
What is the Bible?
Some believe there is one god, some believe there are many gods, and some believe there is no god.
What are the different beliefs about God?
Who is God speaking about when He says, "Let us make man in our image?"
What is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit?
Muslims believe that truth was revealed through this prophet.
What is Muhammed?
God uncovered and showed us truths about Himself and His will for our lives and creation. These are truths we would never know about God and the world unless He chose to reveal them to us. He spoke His truth to us through ______________?
What is Revelation?
The Bible is one large book divided into two large sections.
What is the Old Testament and the New Testament?
Someone who believes that the natural world and universe are all that exist.
What is a naturalist?
When God created us, he wanted us to live in eternal harmony with him. This harmony depended on ___________ to His command not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
What is obedience?
The book that the Jews believe reveals truth.
What is the Torah?
The heavens, skies, day, night and all of Earth prove that God reveals truth to us through His __________________.
What is creation?
The 39 books of the Old Testament are grouped into 4 categories.
What is books of law, books of history, books of wisdom, and books of prophecy?
A set of beliefs through which you view and interpret life and the world and that guides your choices and behaviors.
What is a worldview?
In Genesis, we learn of 4 relationships God created us to enjoy as his image-bearers. These include: Relationship with ourselves, Relationship with others, Relationship with the earth, and Relationship with ________.
What is Relationship with God.
The great religion that was developed and practiced by the ancient Hebrew people, whom God chose and formed into the nation of Israel from the descendants of Abraham.
What is Judaism.
The book of Job tells us who heard and saw God's truth through creation.Job says, _______________ has seen it.
What is all of mankind (everyone)?
This portion of the bible explains how the Old Testament fulfilled all of God's promises and it reveals truths about how our faith in Jesus will restore fellowship with God.
What is the New Testament?
Someone who does not believe in God.
What is an Atheist?
Sin caused disharmony with God, disharmony with ourselves, disharmony with others, and disharmony with __________?
What is the Earth?
A worldview based on a belief in the existence of an Almighty Personal God, Who is also the Creator of the Universe.
What is Theism
The author of the Bible spoken to forty different men over a period of about 1600 years.
What is God?