What was Jesus' profession before he started his ministry?
Какой была профессия Иисуса до того, как он начал свое служение?
A carpenter
Who was the first son of Abraham?
Кто был первым сыном Авраама?
How many books are there in the Old Testament?
Where did Jesus go 40 days after His resurrection?
“Chestnuts roasting…” actual song title is?
The Christmas Song
At King Herod's birthday party, what unusual gift did he grant his stepdaughter?
Какой необычный подарок царь Ирод преподнес своей падчерице на дне рождения?
The head of John the Baptist
What sea did Moses part to aid in his people's escape from the Pharaoh?
Red Sea
After Jesus fed 5,000 men, how many baskets of food were left over?
Сколько корзин с едой осталось после того, как Иисус накормил 5000 человек?
How many brothers did Joseph have?
Сколько братьев было у Иосифа?
What store sold the first pre-lit Christmas tree?
Target store
Which New Testament book gives the most accounts of Jesus' miracles?
В какой книге Нового Завета содержится больше всего описаний чудес Иисуса?
Who was the only female judge of Israel?
Кто была единственной женщиной-судьей в Израиле?
How many books did Paul write in the Bible?
Сколько книг в Библии написал Павел?
Where in the Bible can you find the Lords prayer?
Gospels of Matthew and Luke
On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave what to me?
Six geese a-laying
What island did Paul get shipwrecked on?
На каком острове Павел потерпел кораблекрушение?
Of what wood was Noah’s ark made?
Из какого дерева был построен Ноев ковчег?
Gopher wood
At what age did Sarah, the wife of Abraham, die?
В каком возрасте умерла Сара, жена Авраама?
A. 88
D. 127
E. None of the above
D. 127
What is the longest verse in the Bible?
Какой самый длинный стих в Библии?
A. Esther 9:6
B. Job 2:3
C. Esther 8:9
D. Esther 6:8
C. Esther 8:9
What type of bird often appears on Christmas cards?
Northern (red) Cardinals
How many years went by before Paul moved back to Jerusalem?
Сколько лет прошло, прежде чем Павел вернулся в Иерусалим?
14 years, Galatians 2:1
Who was told to prophecy to dry bones?
Кому было велено пророчествовать сухим костям?
How many wives did king Solomon have?
Сколько жен было у царя Соломона?
What color are the four horses in the Book of Revelation?
в откровение описываются четыре лошади, какого они цвета?
White, Red, black and Pale
Белый, Рыжий, вороный и Бледный
In the original Frosty the Snowman animated movie, what’s the first thing Frosty says when he comes to life?
“Happy Birthday”