The Lord is my ________ I shall not want.
(Psalm 23:1)
God told Solomon to ask for anything and this was what he prayed for.
What is wisdom?
I led the children of Israel after Moses died.
Jesus was in the tomb/grave for this number of days.
This is where Jesus' family went when Herod wanted to harm Him as a baby.
Where is Egypt?
What did Moses hold in his hand turned into a serpent?
a rod
The wife of Joseph and mother of Jesus.
He was Abraham's firstborn son. His mother was Sarah's handmaiden, Hagar.
Jesus _______.
(John 11:35)
This famous queen came to visit Solomon and find out for herself if the stories she heard were true.
I was the husband of Bathsheba and a general in King David's army.
This many books of the Bible have the name of John in them.
What is 4?
This is where Hagar and her son, Ishmael went when they were cast out by Abraham and Sarah.
Where is the desert?
Jesus fed a crowd of over 5000 with this.
5 Loaves, 2 Fishes
The wife of Zechariah and mother of John the Baptist.
This person preached to the crowd on the day of Pentecost.
Who is Peter?
Peter said the Day of The Lord would come like a _____ in the night.
The rain was upon the earth for how long after Noah built the ark?
40 days and 40 nights
These were the three sons on Adam and Eve listed in the Bible.
Who are Cain, Abel and Seth
Jesus' age when he was teaching the elders in the temple, and Mary and Joseph were looking for him.
12 years old
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
Mount of Olives
What David used to Kill Goliath.
a sling and a stone
She was married to Uriah the Hittite. David sinned with her.
Who is Bathsheba?
He is Abraham's nephew who chooses the land of Sodom because of its apparent beauty and fertility.
Spiritual Armor: _______ of Salvation
He had to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
I lived to be 969 years old.
Where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.
Mt. Sinai
God told Moses to make this for the people to look at and live when they were bitten by serpents in the wilderness.
a bronze serpent
She was Abraham's wife and the mother of Isaac.
This man, Bartimaeus had a problem that Jesus fixed.
What is blindness?
In everything, give _________...
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
This happened to the Kingdom of Israel afterI Solomon's rule.
What is it was split in two.
Israel (10 tribes) and Judah (2 tribes)
I was the king who made a difficult decision between two women claiming to be the mother of one child. I ordered for the child to be cut in half and it exposed the real mother.
King Solomon
Lazarus had been dead this many days when Jesus raised him from the dead.
Jesus was led by the Spirit to this place to be tempted by the devil.
The Wilderness / Desert
What God used to destroy the earth in the days of Noah.
Water / Flood
She was married to Isaac and she's the mother of Esau and Jacob.
He made an axe head float.
But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his _________ or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him;...
(1 Samuel 16:7)
What did Judas get when he sold Jesus to the priests of the Temple?
30 Pieces of Silver
I touched Jesus' garment and was healed.
The Bleeding Woman
This many people saw Jesus after He rose from the dead. More than_______________
what is more than 500?
The place that God found Abram and called him out of.
What is the land of Ur?
When the dove returned to Noah in the evening, what was it holding with its beak?
Olive Branch/Leaf
Jacob loved her so much that he worked 14 years to pay for her hand in marriage.
David was best friends with his enemy's son, ______.
In the beginning was the _______...
(John 1:1)
King Saul died this way.
What is fell on his own sword?
This person was Saul's son and David's best friend.
Who is Jonathan?
There were this many people who were saved in the ark.
What is 8
Golgotha is also known as this....
What is Calvary / The Place of the Skull
The animal God used to speak to Balaam.
minus another teams points by however much you want
One of the wives of Elkanah and the mother of Samuel.
This was the first martyr killed for believing in and preaching about Jesus.
Who is Stephen?
... love thy _________ as thyself.
(Matthew 19:19)
Who is a witch?
Who is Joab?
We are to forgive a brother/sister who sins against us how many times a day?
70 times 7
Jesus prayed in this garden right before his death.
Garden of Gethsemane
God gave this sign to remind us of His promise never to destroy the earth by water/flood again.
She was married to Aquila.
He thought he was lying to Peter, but was lying to the Holy Ghost about the amount of money he and his wife made from the sale of their property.
for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the ______.
(1 Samuel 16:7)
Jesus said this to Simon Peter and Andrew when they were casting their net into the sea before they were disciples of Him.
Follow me and I will make you fishers of men.
This woman was the only female judge to lead Israel to victory.
Who is Deborah?
The book of Revelation has this many chapters.
Jesus performed His first miracle here.
Marriage in Cana of Galilee
These gifts were brought to Jesus when He was a child.
Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?
The wife that David got from Nabal.
This man went with Paul on his early mission trip.
Who is Barnabas?
Above all else, _____ your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
(Proverbs 4:23)
David spared King Saul's life this many times.
What is 2?
When Saul conquered the Amalekites he kept this person as a prisoner instead of killing him like God said to.
(Name required)
Who is King Agag?
How many fruits of the Holy Spirit are there?
The mountain where Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal.
Mt. Carmel
What did Peter find inside the mouth of the fish?
A four-drachma coin / A coin
Laban tricked Jacob into marrying this woman.
He was the brother of Jesus and wrote one of the New Testament epistles.