In the beginning, God created the _________ and the ____________.
Heavens and Earth
Jesus was in the tomb/grave for this number of days.
The place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God.
Garden of Eden
What did Moses' rod/staff turn into?
Mary's cousin who is the mother of John the Baptist
Was a tax collector
I was swallowed by a whale
This is the number of books in the Bible.
Where Jesus was born.
Jesus fed a crowd of over 5000 with these two items.
two fish and five loaves of bread
Replaced Queen Vashti
He refers to himself as the disciple Jesus loves.
The rain fell upon the earth for this long after Noah entered the ark.
40 days and 40 nights
Jesus' age when he was teaching the elders in the temple, and Mary and Joseph were looking for him.
12 years old
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
Mount of Olives
What did Samson use to strike a thousand men?
Jawbone of Donkey
She was married to Uriah the Hittite. David sinned with her.
These are the twin sons of Rebekah.
Jacob and Esau
He had to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus.
I lived to be 969 years old.
What garden was Jesus arrested in?
Garden of Gethsemane
What represented Joseph's family in his dream?
Sun, moon, and (11) stars
She was the mother of Isaac.
Was the first martyr in the Bible
Joseph, Mary and Jesus fled to this country because of Herod the Great's brutality.
Lazarus had been dead this many days when Jesus raised him from the dead.
4 days
Jesus was led of the Spirit to this place to be tempted of the devil.
the wilderness
God led the Israelites in the wilderness by day and by night using these two things.
pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night
Exodus 13:21
She was the mother of Ishmael.
He was riding a donkey when the angel of the LORD stood in the road with a drawn sword.