For God So Loved the World that he gave his Only _________ Son
In the beginning, God ________ the heavens and the earth.
What is created?
Was the son of King David and Bathsheba.
Who is Solomon?
Jesus was in the tomb/grave for this number of days.
What is 3?
The place where Adam and Eve lived before they were driven out by God.
What is the Garden of Eden?
What Moses used in his hand that turned into a serpent.
What is a rod?
King Ahabs Evil wife
He is the first man
Who is Adam?
Shortest verse in the Bible
What is Jesus wept?
I was swallowed by a whale
Who is Jonah?
Who is Elizabeth?
This is the number of books in the Bible.
What is 66?
Where Jesus was born.
What is Bethlehem Judea
Jesus fed a crowd of over 5000 with this.
What is two fish and five loaves of bread?
The mother of John the Baptist.
Who is Elizabeth?
What Was Peters Birthname
The Lord is my Shepard, I shall not ____
what is want?
The rain was upon the earth for this long after Noah built the ark.
What is 40 days and 40 nights?
We are the Father of John the Baptist.
Who is Zechariah
Jesus' age when he was teaching the elders in the temple, and Mary and Joseph were looking for him.
What is Twelve Years old?
Mountain where Jesus ascended into heaven.
What is Mount of Olives, or Olivet?
What David used to Kill Goliath.
What is a sling and a stone?
David saw her from his roof top while she was bathing.
Who is Bathsheba?
These are the twin sons of Rebekah.
Who are Jacob and Esau?
__ ___ ________, God created the Heavens and the earth
What is In the Beginning?
He had to climb a sycamore tree to see Jesus
Who is Zacchaeus?
Jesus saw me under the fig tree.
Who is Nathanael?
I lived to be 969 years old.
Who is Methuselah?
He bought Joseph when we was first taken to Egypt.
Who is Potiphar?
God told Moses to make this for the people to look at and live when they were bitten by fiery serpents in the wilderness.
What is a bronze serpent?
She was the mother of Isaac.
Who is Sarah?
Elisha asked for a double portion of this prophet's spirit.
Who is Elijah?
This chapter of Psalms has the most verses with 176
What is Psalms 119?
Where was Jesus laid when he was born
Peter said the Day of The Lord will come like a thief in the _____.
What is a thief in the night.
Lazarus was had been dead this many days when Jesus raised him from the dead.
What is 4?
Jesus was led of the Spirit to this place to be tempted of the devil.
What is the wilderness?
What God used to destroy the earth in the days of Noah.
What is Water or a Flood?
She was the mother of Esau and Jacob.
Who is Rebekah?
He was the son of Ahaz and became king after him.
Who is Hezakiah?
What Chapter of Psalms has the fewest Verses at only 2
What is Psalms 117?
Judas did this to betray Jesus to the chief priests and elders.
What Action?
What is kissed?
She gave some fruit to her husband.
Who is Eve?
The lampstand used in the tabernacle had this many branches extending out on each side.
What is 3?
This is where the 10 Commandments were given.
What is Mount Sinai?
What color was the coat that Jacob gave to his son Joseph
Many Colors
Jacob loved her so much he worked 14 years to pay for her hand in marriage.
Who is Rachel?
David was best friend's with his enemy's son ______.
Who is Jonathan?
What is the Last Word of the Bible In Revelations 22?
What is AMEN?
This is the shortest book in the New Testament.
What is 2 John?
Esthers Uncle that would not bow to Haman
Who is Mordecai
This is the number of righteous men it would have taken for God to of spared Sodom and Gomorrah.
What is 10
Golgotha is also known as the place of the _____
What is skull?
The animal God used to speak to Balaam.
What is a donkey?
The man whom gave Ruth the permission to glean from his field.
Who is Boaz?
how many locks of hair did Samson have.
What is 7 locks of hair?
The law of the Lord is perfect, ________ the soul: the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
What is a converting?
This was a part of John the Baptist's regular diet.
_______ and wild honey
What is locusts and wild honey?
3 Hebrew boys who refused to eat the king's delicacies.
Who are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-Nego?
We are to forgive a brother/sister who sins against us this many times.
What is 70 times 7?
Jesus prayed in this garden right before his death.
What is the garden of Gethsemane?
What were the (2) animal skins used for the covering of the tabernacle?
What is Ram skins, and seal skins?
What was the name of the Jewish Mother in the beginning of the book of Ruth that later was named Mara
He thought he was lying to Peter, but was lying to the Holy Spirit about the amount of money he and his wife made from the sale of their property.
Who is Ananias?
His wife told him to curse God and die.
Who is Job?
Jesus said this to Simon Peter and Andrew when they were casting their net into the sea, before they were disciples of Him.
What is Follow me and I will make you fishers of men?
I was the youngest son of Jacob.
Who is Benjamin?
The book of Revelation has this many chapters.
What is 22?
Jesus performed His first miracle here.
What is A marriage in Cana
These gifts were brought to Jesus when He was a child.
What is Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh?
She went into the mountains to weep for her virginity.
Who is Jepthah's daughter?
Who were the first kings of the Northern and Southern 2 tribes of Judah?
Who were Rehoboam and Jeroboam?
She was a prophetess and a judge in Israel.
Who is Deborah?
He was Jacob's hairy big brother.
Who is Esau?
How many men did Gideon take with him to battle.
What is about 300?
There are this many fruitages of the Spirit.
What is 9?
Where did the Israelites live in Egypt?
Where is Goshen?
Jesus sent Peter to get there tax money from here.
What is the mouth of a fish?
How many wives did Solomon have.
What is 700?
He was the brother of Jesus and wrote one of the New Testament books.
Who is James?