Supporting Actors
Inner Circle
Name Meaning
Fun Facts

Jesus rebuked Judas Ischariot for trying to sell off this sinner's offering of frangrance/ oil that would be later used in Jesus burial.

Who was Mary (Magdalene)?


Called by Jesus to become a disciple, Bartholomew became skeptical at first and asked if anything good can come out of this place?

What is Nazareth?


We were the three disciples that witness Jesus pull off miracles that the others didn't see. Then we saw Him "change" before our eyes. 

Who are Peter, James, and John?


At the confession of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, He changed my name to the GREEK version of my new name.

Who is "Petras"?


I was one of the two disciples chosen to replace Judas Ischariot. I didn't make the cut. 

Who is Joseph of Barsabas?


We, the inner three of Jesus' disciples witnessed several miracles that others quite didn' of them being the resurrection of the 12 year old daughter of this Galilean synagogue's ruler.

Who is Jarius?


I am the betrayer of the Son of Man that was from Kerioth, a village of this town/ geographical region. 

Where is Judea?


We, in the inner circle of Jesus' discipleship, witness this phenomenon when He suddenly changed and two prophets appeared with Him in Glory. 

What is the Transfiguration?

Although my original name meant "the gift of the Lord" other name means "joined" that can also be found on a pair of jeans. 

Who is Levi?


Evander Holyfield's ear was bitten off by Mike Tyson during a boxing match. It could've been worse. It could've been cut off like mine was by Peter when they bum rushed Jesus. Thankfully, Jesus put it back on.

Who is Malchus?


According to Acts 12, I was the king responsible for James' death by sword.

Who was King Herod Agrippa I?


This was the place that Jesus wept in agony at the anticipation of the crucifixion...and where Peter went "gangsta" on Ciaphas' high servant.

What is (the garden of) Gethsemane?

Well hello there! I was the younger brother of the 1st disciple martyr.

Who is John?


Well hello there....I was Jesus' disciple who's name meant "manly, bravely".

Who is Andrew?


I was the first disciple called by Jesus into ministry and assisted Philip in introducing the Greeks to Jesus. 

Who was Andrew?


Well hello there! I was the "wilderness preacher" by which these 2 disciples of mine became disciples of Jesus.

Who are Philip and Andrew?


According to legend, the 4 fishermen plus a disciple of John the Baptist were "originally" from this place/ region.

What is Bethsaida?


Bruh! It was a wonderful experience to be a part of Jesus' inner circle...but miraculously breaking out of prison and converting/ baptizing 3000 people in one day afterwards was hard work.

Who is Peter?



Well hello there! My name was Simon. Jesus changed it to Peter. In Greek, it was "Petras." In Aramaic, it was this.

Who is "Cephas"?


According to John 6: 5-7, I wanted proof of the Father. Once I got that, we would've been satisfied.

Who was Philip?


According to legend, this was the man responsible for Peter's death.

Who was Nero the Roman Emperor?

During the time of Jesus' ministry, the Jews were under the rule of this once thriving empire that made a name for itself by gruesomely making examples of others?

What is Rome (the Roman Empire)?

Although we were a part of Jesus inner circle, we the brothers, went by a different alias when we tried to call down fire from Heaven upon the Samaritans.

Who are the Sons of Thunder?


Although everyone knows me as Thomas, the "doubtful" disciple who had a twin brother and missed out on the first Easter, I also had this nickname (not "The Twin")? 

Who was Didymus?


I was the only human besides Jesus to walk on water.

Who is Peter?
