Mythology Parallels
Biblical figures
Events and etc...
For middle schoolers only (unless all are out)

Pandora's box parallels what Bible story?

Pandora, the first woman created by the gods, opens a box given to her as a gift, releasing various evils into the world

What is Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit?


Which of these names are actually in the bible?

A) Nehemiah

B) Horus

C) Freyr

D) Bacchus

Who is A) Nehemiah


 In the Old Testament, who was the youngest son of Jacob and the favorite of his father, who was sold to slavery by his brothers?

 Who is Joseph?


What event, recorded in the Book of Genesis, led to the confusion of languages and the dispersion of people across the earth?

What is the Tower of babel?


What is the last book of the Bible?

What is Revelations? 

Sargon of Akkad's Birth parallels what bibile story?

Sargon was placed in a reed basket and sent down the river by his mother. He was rescued by Aqqi, who then adopted him as his son.

What is Moses' story? 


Which of these names are actually in the bible?

A) Bastet

B) Rama

C) Thaddeus 

D) Shamash

Who is C) Thaddeus


Who was the first king of Israel, anointed by the prophet Samuel?

Who is Saul?


In which book of the Bible do we find the story of David and Goliath?

What is 1 samuel?


Who is known as the "Father of Faith" in the Bible?

Who is Abraham?


Epic of Gilgamesh parallels what bible story?

The gods, angered by human noise, decide to destroy humanity. Ea, a god, warns Utnapishtim, instructing him to build a boat. Utnapishtim, along with animals and craftsmen, survives the flood.

What is Noah's Ark?


A) Ceres

B) Hathor

C) Stephen

D) Balder

Who is C) Stephen


In the Book of Revelation, who wrote letters to the seven churches?

Who is John?


What did God create on the 4th day?

What is the sun, the moon and the stars


What is the first miracle performed by Jesus, according to the Gospel of John?

What is turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana?


Heracles parallels what biblical figure?

Both also slayed a lion with their bare hands and were ultimately betrayed by a woman.

Who is Samson?


Which of these names are in the bible?

A) Manannan

B) Obatala

C) Ishtar

D) Sapphira

Who is D) Sapphira 


Who was the prophet known for his encounter with a chariot of fire and his disciple Elisha?

Who is Elijah?


What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

"Jesus wept." (John 11:35)


How many pieces of silver did Judas betray Jesus for?

What is 30 silver coins?


Orpheus and Eurydice parallel what biblical figures?

Orpheus loses his wife Eurydice. Desperate, he goes to the Underworld, where Hades allows Eurydice to return on one condition: Orpheus can't look back. He does, and Eurydice is lost again.

(Hint: can't look back, characters are in Genesis)

Who is Lot and his wife?

Lot and his wife flee Sodom as it's destroyed. They're told not to look back, but Lot's wife disobeys and becomes a pillar of salt.


Probably just guess

A) Shamash

B) Galahad

C) Sedna

D) Abishag 

Who is D) Abishag


What is the name of the disciple who replaced Judas Iscariot among the twelve apostles?

Who is Matthias?


In the parable of the Ten Virgins, what did the foolish virgins forget to bring?

What is oil for their lamps?


Who was the first high priest of Israel and the brother of Moses?

Who is Aaron?
