Define "worldview."
Seeks to answer the question, "what must we do to be saved?"
Define "meta-narrative."
Grand, over-arching story.
How is ethnocentrism related to nationalism?
~mmm whatcha say~
What does a Consumerist believe about life/existence?
I am what I own; Money is power
What does Nationalism claim about Ethics/Aesthetics?
My nation is the best and benefiting it is good
What are four Biblical Worldview themes?
Creation, Fall, Redemption, Authority/Truth
Define "epistemology."
The study of knowledge.
Explain the difference between confessional and convictional beliefs.
Confessional- ideas that remain exclusively on the intellectual level
Convictional- beliefs that are reflected in our actions
Where does the New Age worldview find knowledge/truth?
Gnosis- special, intuitive knowledge from divine experience
What does Scientific Naturalism claim about Ethics/Aesthetics?
Values laws of nature, logic, efficiency
What are four general Worldview themes?
Knowledge/Truth, Ethics/Aesthetics, Life/Existence, Explanation/Purpose
Define "imago dei."
Image of God
What is the definition of exceptionalism?
An element of nationalism, the idea that God made your nation special.
What does Individualism say about knowledge/truth?
My experience, my interpretation, my choice
What do Consumerists say about Ethics/Aesthetics?
More is better
Name three factors which influence someone's worldview.
Environmental factors like national heritage, family, education, religion, peers, media
Define "pantheism."
Everything is god
Give a positive and a negative of Postmodern Tribalism.
~mmm whatcha say~
What are the five elements of the Christian meta-narrative?
Creation, Fall, Covenant, Incarnation, Redemption
What do Individualists believe about Ethics/Aesthetics?
The freedom to decide for yourself is good
What diagnostic questions does the Ethics/Aesthetics category ask?
What is valuable and good? What is wrong and bad?
Define "solipsism."
Living in my own private universe
Explain the difference between Moral Relativists and "Moral Relativists."
Moral Relativists- genuinely embrace the philosophical principle of morals being relative. (intellectual)
"Moral Relativists"- more of a reaction against legalism than genuine relativism. Hypocritical- they embrace tolerance as a moral good. (emotional)
Name the Biblical Worldview theme associated with this scripture.
"For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." Hebrews 4:12
What does a New Age worldview believe about Ethics/Aesthetics?
What helps my tribe is good. Overcome via struggle