The word that also means "teachings"
Means "God breathed."
Johann Gutenberg
Means "measuring rod, rule, or standard."
God disclosing things to man that he would not know otherwise.
When we know the teachings of the Bible, it helps us know THIS person since it is His words that are in it.
Non-scriptural view of inspiration that states that the people that wrote the Bible were really creative, like Shakespeare or George Lucas.
Natural Inspiration
A major proof of the Bible's inspiration is the fact that many prophecies about WHO come true in the New Testament?
This refers to a book's right to be included in Biblical canon.
This is what the Holy Spirit does for the Christian when studying the Bible. Also God’s teaching the Christian the truths of His word
The thing Christians are commanded to do. This is the reason we have an entire class on Doctrines.
Study and know the Bible.
(Either answer is acceptable, or both!)
Non-scriptural view of inspiration that states that the Bible becomes "inspired" once it means something to the person.
Encounter theory
Name one of the scientific concepts presented in Scripture that help prove it's accuracy and, in turn, it's inspiration.
Water cycle, earth is round, earth suspended in space, blood sustaining life, God creating the earth, earth rotating on its axis, tides varying during the different parts of the day, innumerability of the stars, the atmosphere having weight.
Is it authoritative? Is it prophetic? Is it authentic? Is it dynamic? Was it received, used, and preserved by the people of God?
The Bible’s unique ability to be easily understood.
Studying the Bible helps clarify what?
What we do and do not believe.
The type of "inspiration" we believe the Bible to be.
Plenary verbal inspiration
Means "without error throughout"
A group of books denied canonicity because of their contradictions with themselves and the Bible, as well as the questionable teachings contained within them.
Principle of Bible study where you interpret a verse of Scripture in the light of other passages of Scripture.
True or False: if we know the Bible, it makes it more difficult to share it with unbelievers.
Means "set apart." Word used to describe the men God chose to write His word.
The people group was once thought to be fake despite it being mentioned in the Old Testament frequently. Tablets found in Bogazkoy by Hugo Winkler confirmed the biblical account and the existence of this nation.
The majority of the OT was quoted by this person, and the NT was pre-approved by this same person.
Name one of the six principles of Bible study.
Literal, historical, contextual, grammatical, synthetical, practical