Bible Study Methods
Define General Revelation.
General Revelation is what can be known about god through observation of nature or use of reason.
Give an example of a method God used to inspire Biblical Writers
The writers had events described to them by God, the writers witnessed events, the writers collected eyewitness testimony, the writers had God dictate to them what to say.
Define Inerrancy.
The Bible is without error or fault in all of its teachings. Scripture, in the original autographs, does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact.
According to LBTB and class notes, what are the 3 steps in Bible Study?
Observe, Interpret, and Apply
What are the 6 setting questions to ask of every passage?
Who? What? When? Where? Why? Wherefore?
Define Special Revelation
Special Revelation is what can be known about God when God supernaturally reveals himself to creation.
Explain the difference between inspiration and illumination.
Inspiration is the Holy Spirit giving guidance to the Biblical Authors to know what to write, but Illumination is the Holy Spirit giving understanding to modern Biblical Readers.
Give the acronym used to defend the historical reliability of the Bible.
What is the term for the art and science of Bible interpretation?
Name 2 things to look for when making observations.
Repetition, key words, comparisons and contrasts, purpose statements, context
Name 3 different examples of Special Revelation.
Miracles, Answered Prayers, Prophecy, Appearances of Angels/God, Holy Scripture
Explain the Limited Inspiration view of scripture.
The Limited Inspiration View of Scripture says that the Bible is man's work, partly influenced by God, so that the Bible is spiritually reliable, but unreliable historically and scientifically.
Give an example of Archaeological evidence discussed in class that proves the truth of the Bible.
King Belshazzar, Jericho remains, Hittite Capital unearthed
What is the Analogy of Faith?
Clear verses of scripture should be used to interpret less clear verses of scripture.
How do you do a word study?
Analyze its use in context Check the Original Language Check cross-references of other uses in the Bible
According to Romans 1-2, why does God hold those who have General Revelation accountable for their sins?
God holds them accountable because the eternal nature of God is plain to all, they actively suppress the knowledge of God, and they have God's moral laws written on their heart.
Explain the Neo-Orthodox View of Inspiration.
The Neo-Orthodox View of Inspiration says that man is incapable of truly knowing God, so the Bible is man's work, but that people are able to receive spiritual meaning as they read the Bible today.
Cite an Old Testament Prophecy about Jesus that was fulfilled in the New Testament.
various answers...
Why do we look for Authorial Intent in bible study?
We look for Authorial Intent because the scripture can't mean what it never meant.
Explain the difference between Literary Context and Historical Context.
Literary context is understanding the passage in light of the rest of the Biblical story. Historical culture is about understanding the passage in light of the world of the original audience.
CHALLENGE ROUND All teams wager up to 500 points, then formulate an answer. What responsibility do those with the Special Revelation of scripture have towards those who only have witnessed natural revelation, and why?
Those with Special Revelation have the responsibility to share the gospel with those who only have general revelation because it is the only way those people can be saved from their sins.
CHALLENGE ROUND All teams wager up to 500 points, then formulate an answer. Define Verbal Plenary Inspiration and give scriptural support for the view. (Cite specific Bible verses and explain how they prove this view)
Verbal Plenary Inspiration teaches that every word is the exact intended word of God, but supernaturally communicated through the ordinary means and writing styles of human authors. 2 Peter 1:21 says that "No prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit." and 2 Timothy 3:16-17 says that "All scripture is breathed out by God..."
CHALLENGE ROUND All teams wager up to 500 points, then formulate an answer. Give 2 of the 3 common solutions to supposed contradictions, as discussed in class, with examples
- Authors were telling different parts of the same story. (i.e. last words of Jesus) - Translation of different Greek/Hebrew words causes confusion about the authors intended meanings (i.e. Acts 9 vs Acts 22) - Cultural differences cause us to misunderstand (i.e. co-regencies)
CHALLENGE ROUND All teams wager up to 500 points, then formulate an answer. How do you find the Author's Burden in a text?
Look for the big idea related to completing fallen sinners in Christ and giving hope to sufferers living in a fallen world.
CHALLENGE ROUND All teams wager up to 500 points, then formulate an answer. Explain the importance of Historical context and Literary Context for interpreting the book of Ruth.
The Literary Context of Ruth involves the sin of the people in the time of Judges that resulted in the famine, the need for a king being fulfilled by the coming of David, and the lineage of Christ. The Historical Context involves the meaning of gleaning, the meaning of a kinsmen redeemer, and the meaning of laying at Boaz's feet.