Who's that Character?
We're travelling!
Have you heard the news?
The rise of a King and the fall of a Queen
Prophets and Purpose

Who lead the people of Israel to victory in Jericho?

Joshua. I like that guy.


Where did Paul get bitten by a snake?

The Island of Malta. I wish I had an island of Malta...I could really use one right now.


Jesus has done a wonderful miracle in Cana! In Galilee! Can you guess what it was?

He turned water to wine! Unbelievable!


He was the first King of Israel. Big mistake in my opinion.

King Saul


Which Prophet prophesied to Jesse that his son would be king of Israel one day?

Prophet Samuel. God sure knows how to pick 'em.


Who is David's great grandmother?

Ruth. Wherever you go, I will go. Even in the shower?


Where did Mary and Joseph run away to until the death of King Herod?

Egypt. They got to see the pyramids!


A ghost! On the sea of Galilee! Oh- nevermind, it's just Jesus. What's he doing?

Walking on water?! He's got to teach me that one!


This is the king that took over Nebuchadnezzar's rule after he died. Again, big mistake in my opinion.

King Belshazzar...we seriously need to start choosing some better Kings.


Who's the prophet that wasn't afraid of speaking the truth? And the same guy that lived off of honey and locusts? Gross.

John the Baptist. But seriously- who eats honey-flavored insects??


Which one of you bright sparks can name me Queen Esther's servant?

Hathach. It's almost scary how loyal he is.


We're going to go see Elijah's challenge against King Ahab and the 150 Prophets of Baal! Uh- which mountain was it on again?

Mount Carmel! That's right! Let's go!


Have you heard the news today? The giant stone was rolled away! Jesus brought him back! It's the truth! What am I talking about?

Lazarus being raised from the dead. Wonderful news!


Solomon...jeez. You were doing so well until you started with women. How many wives and concubines did he have?

700 wives and 300 concubines. I'd be impressed if he remembered all their names...tbh, when it comes to women he's putting David to shame...and where does he keep them all...? Must be a big palace.


He has some SERIOUS haters. But he's the one with the rule book that everyone has to follow.

Moses. But then he broke them.


Saul had a daughter! What was her name? (Psst! I mean the younger one!)

Michal. But it didn't work out.


King Nebuchadnezzar is king of which Kingdom? And Darius took over that place, where's he from?

Babylon & Persia. Persian outfits are honestly so cool.


I am STARVING! The again, I'm always starving. But not today! I'm way too full to eat another bite! What am I talking about?

Jesus fed 5000 people! I'll take another basket!


She was queen before Esther. This is honestly easier than the last question but I couldn't bother to change it.

Queen Vashti. I honestly don't even blame her for saying no. I wouldn't want to be paraded out for men to see like I'm some prized horse or something.


Well, for one he's a coward. Imagine being given a job in a specific place but run in the other direction.

Jonah. Then he got eaten by a fish. Could never be me.


HA! I'd love to see you answer this one. Name me ALL 12 sons of Jacob! FROM OLDEST TO YOUNGEST!

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issachar, Zebulun, Joseph, and Benjamin. Nobody got that one, I predict it from now.


OMG! Jesus just had dinner with Zacchaeus of all people! Where?

Jericho. After they rebuilt the walls.


I find this animal kinda gross. But the babies are ADORABLE! When they aren't possessed. What animal am I talking about?

Swines/Pigs- I LOVE PIGLETS!


Which Queen died from falling out a window? And who was her husband that tried to steal a vineyard from a dude named Naboth?

Queen Jezebel and King Ahab. Gotta be the worst couple in the history of history.


He owns the coat of a missing man. That's all you need to know.

Elisha! I wonder how it smelled...
