Name a Christmas tradition from the past
Silver tree, carolling, christmas cards, festive dinner, giving gifts
Is it a family if there are no kids?
What musical instrument is usually associated with Indigenous peoples dancing?
What came first? Your birth or your first steps?
Your birth
What is bigger? A country or a continent?
A continent?
Name a Christmas tradition from the present
Fake tree, lights, festive dinner, presents, vacation, family jammies
How many generations are usually alive at one time? 1, 2, 3, or 4
3 or 4
What group of Indigenous people live in Northern Canada? Metis, Inuit, or First Nations
What came first? Your first day of school or your first word?
Your first word
What country do we live in?
What season is Halloween celebrated in?
The fall
Heritage means...something for Christmas, something important passed down through the family, or something fun for kids to do on Sundays
Something passed down through the family
What group of Indigenous people are part French? Metis, Inuit, or First Nations
What came first? Your sixth birthday or your fourth birthday
Your sixth birthday
What continent do we live on? South America, North America, Europe or Africa
North America
Name one celebration that people take part in during the winter months in Canada?
Christmas, Diwali, Hanukkah, Solstice
Blended family means... no kids, step parents or step siblings, grand-parents
True or False... Were some Indigenous children taken from their families and forced to stay in schools all year?
What came last? Your first lost tooth or the first time you sat up by yourself?
Your first lost tooth
Does Canada allow people from other countries to come live here?
What is the 'festival of lights'? Hanukkah, Diwali, or Christmas
Multi generational family kids, step parents or step siblings, grand-parents
Regalia means... dance, clothing or language
What came first? The chicken or the egg?
Where do most town meetings take place? Church, school or arena
The arena