How do you say German in French?
Le jour
How do you say the day in French?
À quelle heure...
(Translate) At what time...
La sortie
How do you say the exit in French?
The “je” form of “vendre” spelled in English
What is v-e-n-d-s?
L'éducation musicale
How do you say music class in French?
How do you say now in French?
Quel jour...
Translate: What day...
La récréation
What is the word for recess in French?
The “il/elle/on” form of “vendre” spelled in English
What is v-e-n-d?
How do you say phys ed in French?
La semaine
How do you say the week in French?
Quand est-ce que tu as...
Translate: When do you have...
vendredi et mercredi
Friday and Wednesday
The “nous” form of “vendre” spelled in English
What is v-e-n-d-o-n-s?
La chimie
How do you say chemistry in French?
How do you say the afternoon in French?
Ça te plaît...
Translate: Do you like...
jeudi et dimanche
Thursday and Sunday
The “vous” form of “vendre” spelled in English
What is v-e-n-d-e-z?
How do you say computer class in French?
Quelle heure est-il?
Translate: What time is it?
Comment est ton cours d'anglais?
Translate: How is your English class?
Les devoirs
How do you say "the homework" in French?
The “ils/elles” form of “vendre” spelled in English
What is v-e-n-d-e-n-t?