le chocolat chaud
How do you say hot chocolate in French?
le lait
What is "the milk" in French?
Conjugate: I want
Je veux
______ oeufs
Tu (ecouter)
Tu ecoutes
le café au lait
How do you say coffee with milk in French?
le jus de pomme
What is "the apple juice" in French?
Conjugate: We are drinking
Nous buvons
____ chocolat chaud
Nous (vendre)
Nous vendons
la confiture
How do you say jam in French?
le jus d'orange
What is "the orange juice" in French?
Conjugate: They (fem. pl.) are taking
Elles prennent
_______ confiture
de la
Vous (grandir)
Vous grandissez
les œufs
How do you say the eggs in French?
le cafe au lait
What is "cafe with milk/creamer" in French?
Conjugate: He want
Il veut
_______ omlette
de l'
Ils (parler)
Ils parlent
la tartine
How do you say French bread with butter and jam in French?
le jus de pamplemousse
What is "the grapefruit juice" in French?
Conjugate: Y'all want
Vous voulez
_________ pamplemousse
Il (reussir)
Il reussit