Duo with back to back bdays
Who is Pooja and Meghan?
John ripped this event despite warnings from others.
What is the New York Marathon?
Our friend group’s “The Game of Life”.
What is Catan?
Airline flown after buying a flight 5 hours prior at 1am to see LJ / SPORTS
What is Spirit?
John and Meg frequently can’t decide and on dinner and take this action.
What is order from multiple places?
Costume theme worn by John and Meghan for the worst murder mystery.
What is Safari?
Danny secretly wants to go head-to-head with Meghan in this hobby (HS experience vs recent experience).
What is pottery?
What is bed bugs?
These three things Meghan has never invited Danny to, despite his offense.
What is chili, cape cod, and her apartment?
Mikie is accused of doing this to get out of going out to bars.
What is a funny voice?
Danny’s first time putting Meghan on blast notably.
What is wine spill vt?
This person frequently is captivated and pulled into random conversations.
Who is John?
Mikie cracked herself up when John and Meg didn’t want to finish a beer but didn’t want to toss it with this recommendation.
What is store it in a tupperware?
Due to a group chat and crazy friends, this seasonal event is year-round for John and Danny.
What is fantasy football?
The individual we have a photo of in a lab coat and goggles.
Who is Danny?
Wakil convinced John to sign up for many races propelling him back into run, giving a great example of this power.
What is the power of influence?
Danny listens to this podcast that Alex made Monica see in a live taping.
Who is Bill Simmons?
This noise haunted Mikie in the middle of the night two nights before the Boston Marathon.
What is the crackle of a water bottle?
John showed up late to his own coparty after the Newport Half Marathon after this event.
What is a coworkers baby shower?
John frequents this - sometimes multiple times in one drive - less now.
What is the Holland Tunnel?
First memorable question Mikie asked John.
What is Do you work in finance?
It upset John and Meg when Mikie and Danny got too involved (beat them) in their own car game.
What is Silo spotting?
The name of the ski trail Danny yelled at John to ask Meghan out.
What is Outer Limits?
Bit Danny does when we go to the Dugan residence and beat John and Meghan there.
What is replay false bonding activities as fact?
First friendship hang in which John and Meg hardish softish launched.
What is the Salsa / Shamrock 5k?