What is the movement of molecules and atoms called?
What is a heat conductor?
Something the allows heat to pass through it quickly:
metal, water, stone and many heavy dense materials.
If Vincent can move 5 boxes per minute (power), how long will it take him to move 50 boxes (amount of work)?
10 minutes.
True or False:
Horse power is a measure of power
A car with more horsepower can move a small load faster or a move a larger load. It can do more work faster which means more powerful.
What is the Big Bang Theory?
The Big Bang theorizes that the universe was created from the explosion of dense concentration of energy that expanded and cooled creating all the matter, space, energy and time that now exists.
What allows more heat to flow through them: insulators or conductors?
What is an heat insulator?
a material that blocks the movement of heat.
For examples: blankets, vacuum thermos, trapped air pockets, styrofoam and other light airy materials that can also seal heat in place.
What is the metric unit of force?
Hint: its equivalent to accelerating 1 kg by 1 m/s2
a newton
A Newton is a unit of measure for force.
Who created the formula E=MC2 ?
Albert Einstein
Which contains more heat: 1 liter of 100°C air or 1 liter of 100°C water?
Water: it has a 1000 times more mass and holds 4 times more heat per gram.
Water hold 4,000 times more heat by volumes than air.
What measurement of heat is most used by scientists and in most of the world.
What is conduction?
The movement of heat through a material that is not moving. This is typically heat moving through solid objects.
1 Newton of force x 1 meter = What unit of work?
True or False:
A joule is a unit of measure of distance.
A joule is a measure of work.
Force x Distance OR Newtons x Meters = Joules
What does E= MC2 mean?
Energy can be converted into mass and vice versa. This explains the vast energy of the Big Bang leading to the creation of matter.
Which contains more heat: 1 liter of air at 300°C or 1 liter of water at 50°C
Even 1 liter of cool water holds more heat than 1 liter of hot air, because getting water from absolute zero to cool requires thousands of time more heat that heating up air.
What is the unit of measure of heat (not temperature).
cognates: calor, caliente, chaleur, chauffeur, chaud,
What is convection?
Convection is the movement of heat through moving liquids or gasses. They typically create a cycle that carries heat to cooler areas.
1 joule of work / second = what unit of power?
1 watt
True or false: a change in direction is a form of acceleration
True, acceleration is a change in speed or direction.
The same way you feel inertial forces when slowing down or speeding up, you also feel them when turning left or right in a car.
How long ago was the Big Bang (the age of the universe).
13.76 billions year ago.
What kind of heating does a oven or toaster oven use?
Fill in the blank:
1 calorie is the equivalent heat energy of raising 1 __of water by 1 ___ .
1 calorie is the equivalent of raising 1 ml of water by 1 degree celsius.
Convection and conduction require heat to travel through materials: gases, liquids or solids.
How does the sun heat the earth if the vacuum of space is in between the earth and the sun?
The sun's light, UV and infrared rays are radiation. Radiation can travel through a vacuum because they are electromagnetic waves that can heat matter on the other side of the sun?
If you have to move a weight with 20 newtons 30 meters, how many joules or work would be used?
600 joules.
(20 N x 30 m)
10 newtons of force (9.8 exactly)
Order the following events from the Big Bang:
Release of cosmic radiation.
Creation of stars
Super high concentration of all energy
Super high concentration of all energy
Release of cosmic radiation.
Creation of stars
Below is a diagram of forced air heating (convection) and radiant floor heating (conduction). Study the diagram and choose which one would be more efficient and comfortable.
Radiant floor heating heats the solid materials in your house, so the heat cannot blow away as easily. It is more even and more energy efficient.