Life Science
Physical Science
Life Science 2

Animals that feed exclusively on plants are called:

Primary Consumers


Students are researching families with one brown-haired parent and one red-haired parent to understand how recessive hair-color genes interact with dominant genes. They studied the offspring of a heterozygous brown-haired man (Bb) and a homozygous recessive red-haired woman (bb). Of their four children, three have brown hair and one has red hair. The students prepared the Punnett square that is shown below. 



The function of this body system is to supply oxygen and remove carbon dioxide. 

What is the respiratory system? 


What is the mean time, in seconds, for all of the bicycle racers?



Hurricanes spin around a low-pressure center called ________.

What is the eye of the storm? 


The graph below shows the population of fur seals on one of the Pribilof Islands, a group of volcanic islands near the coast of Alaska. Scientists believe that fur seals first arrived on this island in the year 1902. The red circles are population estimates and the red line is the population trend line. 



Fahrenheit is a thermodynamic temperature scale, where the freezing point of water is 32 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) and the boiling point 212°F (at standard atmospheric pressure). Celsius, also called centigrade temperature scale, is a scale based on 0° for the freezing point of water and 100° for the boiling point of water. In order to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, the following formula can be used:



This is a change in the genetic information within a cell. 

What is a mutation? 


Which law of motion states that a change in the motion of an object depends on the mass of that object and the amount of force applied to it? 

The second law of motion 


These are the muscles that control the heartbeat. They are involuntary. 

What are cardiac muscles? 


A study was done to measure the effectiveness of an antibiotic on different bacteria. The antibiotic Vancomycin was tested on 3 types of bacteria: Enterococcus, Staphylococcus, and Streptococcus. Bacterial growth was measured at 3 different durations of time exposure to the antibiotic: 1 hour, 24 hours, and 7 days. The rate of bacterial growth was measured by bacterial colony size at each time interval. The data for each duration was calculated and compiled into the graph shown below. As a control, each bacteria species was also grown with no exposure to the antibiotic. This control culture was measured after 7 days.



A cladogram is a diagram that organizes species into groups based on their similarities. It also shows evolutionary relationships among the groups.

Based on the information in this cladogram, which of these statements is true?

A. Primates evolved from sharks.

B. The original ancestor of all the species on the cladogram had a bony skeleton.

C. Dinosaurs are more closely related to crocodiles than they are to amphibians.

D. Ray-finned fish have an amniotic egg.

C. Dinosaurs are more closely related to crocodiles than they are to amphibians.


Another name for this idea is "survival of the fittest."

What is natural selection? 


Newton's ____ law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. 

The third law of motion 

The genetic material that determines the traits of that organism. 

What are the chromosomes? 


What is produced during photosynthesis?

oxygen and glucose  


A laboratory produces and tests a new flu vaccine designed to prevent the influenza virus. The lab tests four dosages of the vaccine on 400 individuals, male and female, between the ages of 18 and 65 over a 3-month trial during flu season. Each group has 100 randomly assigned participants. The table shows the dosages of the flu vaccine given to each individual in the group, as well as the number of individuals that reported having influenza during the 3-month trial.


The laboratory has published findings in which they claim that the new flu vaccine can prevent the influenza virus. However, a competing lab has criticized the findings, claiming that there is an error in the way the groups were setup. What changes to the test setup would eliminate the source of the error?

A. Test a fifth group at a higher dosage than 200 mg.

B. Only use two groups instead of four groups so the data is easier to compare.

C. Make the difference in the dosage amount between the groups much larger.

D. Add a fifth group to the study and set the dosage to 0 mg/day.

Add a fifth group to the study and set the dosage to 0 mg/day.


What is the plant's food-manufacturing process? 



The force of attraction that every object exerts on other objects. 

What is gravity? 


This is a disease in which the body does not produce enough insulin. 

What is diabetes? 


Another name for this idea is "survival of the fittest."

The Natural Selection


After food is eaten, molecules in the digestive system break proteins down into amino acids, fats into fatty acids, and carbohydrates into simple sugars. These molecules are called



This is the first part of the plant to develop and they anchor the plant in the ground. 

What are the roots? 


This occurs when two objects rub against each other. This rubbing can slow motion and interfere with work. 

What is friction? 


Which system enables the movement of the body?

