What is the name of the bustling city they live in
What is Big City
What is Cricket's full name
Who is Cricket Ernest Green
What happened to Bill's finger
What is hay baler
What is the name of the local arcade that Cricket and his friends often visit
What is the game center
What is Cricket's catch phrase
What is Bingo, Bango
Who is Bill's father
Who is Ernest Green
What is the name of the towering building in Big City that Cricket often tries to climb?
What is big city tower
Why did the Greens leave the country
What is their farm is taken by the bank
Where was Bill born
What is Outside of Alice's favorite burger joint
Who is the grumpy, yet somewhat caring, city official that the Greens often encounter
Who is Mayor Hansock
Who is Cricket's girlfriend
What did Bill take over from his father when he was young
What is the farm
What is the name of the park in Big City where Cricket and his friends often hang out
What is city park
Who voices Cricket
Who is Chris Houghton
Who voices Bill
Bob Joles