In the Big City Greens theme song in the beginning, what animal jumps out of crickets overalls
A frog
What are the names of Tom Nook's kids
Timmy and Tommy
The number of keys on the piano.
What is Crickets full name
Cricket Ernest Green
What is Blathers afraid of
The typical number of pedals a piano has.
Where did Gloria used to live
The suburbs
What happens at 3:33
Alien broadcast on TV
The accessory to the piano that produces a "clicking sound" to assist in keeping the beat.
A Metronome
What is the name of the Green's cow
Ms. Brenda
What relationship is Daisy Mae to Joan
The black keys are called or named this.
Sharps or flats
What did Tilly leave behind when the greens went back to the country
How do you visit another island
Special ticket or local or online play
The type of piano is mainly used in big concerts.
A grand piano