Noels version of backshots?
Cat pose
On February 2nd, who sent the group a snap that read "Might have broke my bed"?
(Daddy) Josie Dennis
My eyes go zag and zig when I see...
Erin McCandrews
Claudias favorite late-night snack that leaves the dorm room smelling a little funky...
Fish Sticks
Most likely to come out while under the influence...
Who uses the most stickers in the gc?
Mommy Noel
This woman is bound to get you pumped, but it's not so certain she can make you laugh?
Body Pump Caroline
My last year Halloween costume
Officer Pedesko (Cop Tori)
The first face paint I acquired...
After not understanding the rules of KMK, I unnecessarily killed...
A text in the GC reads "Ava I'm not frenching you as long as ik you might have mono". Who said that?
(Daddy) Josie Dennis
A frat boy with his mind set on a threesome?
Ethan Thompson
My absolute favorite drink
Simply Spiked
Dont look down, you'll see the jungle known as...
Anna's Bush
How much money I said it would take for me to have an orgy with the three of you?
This person snapped "Ur showering? Without me ahaha"
Unc Claudia
Don't scare this woman, she WILL scream
Autistic twin
My favorite food
Pierogies (Also accept mexican)
This man can be regularly found at Spencer's
A man who could not hang(let it spew) during the first few weeks
This person begged to borrow a furry tail...
Worker that only speaks to women?
Closest guess to how much money is in my bank account wins
Josie walked up to a man in a green sweatshirt and said? "..."
We look the same